chapter 30

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[A/N : guys...i am really sorry...i couldn't update yesterday...i came back home because of traffic jam...& my body couldn't take the tiredness anymore & i fell asleep....forgive me today's's gonna be a little long...again...i am sorry 🙏]

That "him" ???

Jungkook mom says looking at him..

Will it bothe you if that person is a 'him'???

No....if you are okay with it...then i am okay with it...jungkook's mom says smiling.....

Baby...what do you feel about him???

I..i don't know mom....i don't's all so confusing....just i know...i don't feel good when i see him hurts a lot...i don't feel good when he is feels different when he feels soothing mom...whenever i feel frustrated...i close my eyes...his smiley face shows up before me...i can't think anything but him mom...he is occupied in my whole mind....i can't take a step closer to him..i can't stay far away from him...i can't let him come close to me...i can't see him with anyone else....oh god mom...what should i do!!! This is very confusing.....i don't know what to feel anymore....

Does he feel the same about you?? Jungkook's mom asks...

He...he confessed to me today.....he said he loves me.....

& what did you do after that???



Jungkook nods...

& you are crying here telling me this???

Jungkook doesn't reply anything....

Baby...can i say you something...???


You are so stupid.....i don't know how my son can be this stupid.... are not helping at all here....

Then what do i suppose to do??? That poor kid told youhe loves you..& you did nothing...& here you are crying over saying this to me..asking me what should you do!???

Something happened mom...something happened....he..he saw me with rose mom..

Rose??? Where??

In my school...

Your school??? What was that stupid girl doing there...why,her aunt..i mean me don't know anything about this!!

Father sent her there to take me know rose...what she does from our childhood...she did something & tae misunderstood hates me mom.....

Oh my...that poor kid...i can understand totally what he is going through right now...

Jungkook doesn't reply anything....his eyes were again foaming with tears...

& mr.jeon...he didn't even tell me before sending rose there.....but why didn't you tell that kid everything after that??

I..i will ruin his will defame him...others will despise him..insult him if i do....

Jungkook's mom keeps silent at this point....

Look at me....

Jungkook turns at his mom....

Is your feelings not strong enough for him??? If it isn't...then i won't complete my words...because if it isn't..then it will only hurt that kid in the end....first tell you feel the same way that kid feels for you???

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