chapter 21

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Tae is missing!!!!

Tae is what!!!! Jungkook asks shouting...

He was with you this whole time!right?!!! How the fuck he can be missing!!!!!!

Jungkook was trembling in anger right now....

Jungkook on your words..he is just a kid...min sensei says holding Jungkook...

Jungkook grinds his teeth to control his anger...he close his eyes...then looks at baek..

Okay tell me what happened...

We...i..was feeling i went to our tent to sleep...t..tae followed me...then..then..i fall asleep..i don't know when...when i woke up...he wasn't there...i searched everywhere...his backpack was missing also...baek says sobbing...

Okay baekhyun...Jungkook walks towards him & holds his arms....

Calm  down..okay...remember what did you two last talk about??? Did he tell you anything about where he can go?? Anything??? Jungkook says desperately..he was feeling like dying right now...

Baek bites his lower lip...


I didn't hear you..what did you say??

Forest....baek replies timidly...

What!!! You knew about it before!!! Jungkook yells again..

This time baek starts crying scaredly...

I didn't know he will actually go sensei...he said he won't go there..i told him not to go...thatz why he left when i was sleeping..if i knew it before..i would...surely stopped him....baek cries covering his face...he was more worried about tae right now...he was feeling guilty inside...

Jungkook suddenly realize the situation...he pats on baek's head...

Don't cry...calm down...i am sorry...i lost my temper...don't worry about tae...i will bring him back...Jungkook says looking at him...

Everyone around them was worried right now...some of the girls starts sobbing for tae....

If...min sensei says timidly...if we can't find him..his brothers...his will kill us...he is one of the kim's....they will....he says in frustration....

Jungkook was not right now thinking what tae's brother will do...but he was worried sick that Tae was alright or not..he was praying nothing harmful touch tae...he was so restless inside...he wants tae to be safe...he looks at min...

Nothing will happen to him...

Jungkook says coldly......

Jungkook ssi..i didn't mean that...i....min says scratching his back...

I am bringing him back....

Jungkook goes to his tent & comes back with his backpack & torch.....

We are going with you....other teachers says together...

Jungkook looks at them...

I don't think tae has gone far....besides  other students are here too...they are scared...theres need to be someone with them....i..i will bring him back...wait for me here.....

Other teachers nods..

Sensei...let me come with you....

That girl from before says holding Jungkook hand....Jungkook doesn't have time to give any shit about this now...he was dying to see tae...

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