chapter 17

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You jerk!!!!

Jin start to hitting namjoon's chest continuously....

Ah...hyung....namjoon tries to hide himself to escape from those hit...

Don't 'hyung' me!!!!! Stop calling me hyung...!!!! You cheater!!!

Cheater?? What are you talking about hyung?? Namjoon asks confusedly...

Jin stops hitting him & looks at him...

Where is she!!!! Where the fuck is that bitch!!

She?? Who is 'she'?? Namjoon scratch the back of his head...wait...hyung...are you drunk!!!

Don't try to fool me!!! & what if i am drunk!!!! Tell me where is she!!!

Jin push Namjoon & enters his apartment wobbling...Namjoon just stand behind him to catch him if he falls...

Where did you hide her!!! Jin looks at Namjoon your kitchen?? Your closet??? Your bedroom???....oh...yeah....bedroom..

Namjoon keeps looking at him confusedly....

Where is your bedroom!!!!

In your straight...Namjoon replies softly...

Jin walks in that direction wobbling...

You slut.. !!! Come out!!!! Come out right now....

Hyung...Namjoon tries to say something....

I am dealing with you later...he turns at Namjoon saying that...

Jin throws the blanket away...there was no one on the bed...then he walks towards the one was there also..he checks on the closet also...he finds no one....

Then he turns at namjoon & walks rushly towards him...

Where did you hide her!!!! Tell me right now!!! I am gonna kill that bitch...then kill you...then kill myself too.... can kill me if you want...but first...calm down...there is no one in here....Namjoon tries to make jin calm down....why did you drink alcohol???you just recover from your fever..this will make your health worse...kiddos are totally not taking care of you...Namjoon tries to hold jin...

Jin suddenly grabs his coller...Namjoon suddenly startles with the sudden action..

Why did you do this to me!!!

Saying this jin starts to crying loudly...

Namjoon feels ache inside his heart seeing jin crying like that...he warps his hand around jin...

Shh!! Don't cry hyung...what did i do??

How can you cheat on me!!! You know how many times i tried to call you!! You never receive my call..i went to your company..but everytime your secretary said you are not in there..but i knew that was a were there for the whole don't even want to see me..don't want to talk to you know how much i have been suffering these days without seeing you!!! I can't sleep at night..i don't feel like to eat anything...i just wanted to see you for are not even allowing me to do that..!!!!! I am going through disaster...but you don't even care about that!!! Every night i end up in your room warping your blanket around me just to imagine you are there...but that doesn't fucking matter to you...i am battling with my feelings...i am suffering like a crazy nuts...but you are just hiding yourself from me....& not just are seeing someone else..!!! You are being intimate with another girl also!!!! How dare you!!! How can you do that to me!!!! How can you see another girl when you just confessed your love to me!!! Jin cries again holding Namjoon' s said you love me!!!! You fucking said you love me!!!! How can you do that to me joonie!!!!!!

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