chapter 14

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Exam day

Tae was writing on his do it's his first exam in this school,as a topper in the previous one,he wants to remain in the same place here too..

He was writing with full concentration..not even looking around....

Your paper fell off...

Thank you...s-e-n-s-e-i....tae looks at jungkook who was holding his paper...his eyes were expressing he wants to talk more...but tae grabs his paper quickly..& looks down on his paper again..

& looks down on his paper again

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Tha-nk you...tae starts writing again...
Jungkook looks at tae for sometimes...
It's from that day tae left his office,he is totally ignoring jungkook...& jungkook totally doesn't like feels something makes him angry & also helpless...he knows it's not good to feel something like this towards his student..but still it doesn't feel good..he wants to talk to him..but he is not even looking at him..jungkook was thinking a way to talk to tae...

Everyone...times up..submit your paper...

Tae comes his desk to submit his paper...he doesn't look at jungkook..he hands his paper over..

Did you complete every answer properly?? Jungkook asks looking at tae..he was not missing any chance to talk to him...

Tae doesn't reply anything..just nods...then he turns over...

Why you are so stubborn??jungkook thinks in mind...

Wait...what does it matter if he is stubborn or not...he is just my student..if he wants to ignore me..thatz fine..i don't care...i should treat him like other students..he is nothing but a student..& i am his sensei...thatz it...


Lisa runs towards tae & holds his hand....

Jungkook looks at the sight & pokes his cheek with this tongue...

Did you do well?? She asks smiling..

Tae slightly looks at jungkook...then he pinch lisa's cheek...

Yeah..i did...& you??

Me too.....tae let's grab some drinks from the snacks corner....lisa says pulling tae's hand..

Yeah we Will...but first let me call baek ssi....

You are calling him??..lisa pouts...but i want to go with you only...i don't like him though...

Tae looks at her coldly...there was something in his gaze,lisa feels scared..

Baek ssi is going with us...i don't like anyone who doesn't like my friends....tae says straightly..

S..sorry....lisa replies....

Baek ssi!!! Tae calls looking at baekhyun...

Baek looks at tae..then smiles...he walks towards tae....

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