chapter 105

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Yoongi holts at his place...he jolts & widen his eyes looking at niana who was calling tae ' papa' & stretching her hands towards jungkook,calling him "dada".

Yoongi looks at tae...he was crying & pleading with his eyes at the same time....

Yoongi's eyes suddenly changes....he takes his hands away from tae...he looks at tae like he doesn't know him from tae is a stranger to he unknowingly touched someone he doesn't know at all..

Tae jolts seeing his expression...

N..noo.....h..hyung is hating me...tae thinks in mind widen his eyes...

He stretches his hand towards yoongi...

But yoongi jolts & takes a back away from him before tae could reach him...

" D..don't touch me"... Yoongi says murmuring looking at tae's hand blankly...

Tae trembles hearing his words..

H..hyung....only this escapes from tae's mouth seeing yoongi's horrified expression...

Yoongi looks at niana again...then he looks at jungkook,who was standing bowing his head down..

Then he takes a few steps back...& turns suddenly...he starts walking rushly away from them...

Hyung...don't!! Tae calls him from behind..but it feels like yoongi wasn't in him right now..he wasn't aware of what was happening right now.

Hyung...please follow him..jimin says looking at hobi...

Hobi runs following yoongi...

Then jimin & younghoon walks towards tae & jungkook...

Are you alright?? Did yoongi hurt you?? Jimin says in a guilty tone looking at jungkook..

Jungkook shakes his head...

I am alright..but i think yoongi hyung is the one who got hurt today...jungkook says sadly...i am sorry..i put all of you in a grave situation. We actually didn't plan it like this.we wanted to take a little time more to make it more pleasant.we were waiting for that.i wanted to come & meet all of you formally.i...ah...things got messy somehow..i am extremely sorry...please forgive me...

It's not your fault...younghoon says politely...time wasn't in favor thatz why we met like's not like you can predict it from before.actually we were a little didn't know about this...younghoon's not that messy yet...they are all shocked.thatz why yoongi hyung reacted like that.i think if we sit & talk about it patiently..things will sort out.just give it a try..

Then he looks at tae...tae was still standing there dumbfounded looking at the way yoongi just left.his eyes were soaked in tears.

Seeing him like that niana was afraid too...this whole circumstances made her terribly scared. Yoongi's he pushed her he was trying to take her papa away from her & her dad made her more scared...

She was continuously calling tae but tae was looking ahead,still...



Niana looks at jimin hearing his soft voice...

But she scaredly clenched on tae..embrace tae tightly in fear..hides her face in tae's chest..but still looks at jimin a little...

Tae looks down at her face...he feels more horrified seeing how niana is right now.he made her go through this..

Don't be scared baby...i am your uncle...your Minnie uncle...i am your papa's brother...jimin says putting his hand on niana's head..

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