chapter 170

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Tae slowly opens his eyes.... Filled with snowy clothes?? No...maybe like candy floss....if tae tries hold it...will they melt away??

Tae looks beside him....

Woah! Are these flowers?? Lavender...white lavender...right?? They are everywhere..

Where is he? How come he is lying in a field of lavender...he never been here before....but this's so peaceful in here....

The breeze touching his's's more soothing that it was calming his mind...

it's more soothing that it was calming his mind

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Tae widen his eyes...

Wasn't he on the road a while ago?? Right! He was there...people were looking at was raining a lot....his vision was becoming blurry.....

B..but there was a familiar face...a familiar scent....that person was holding him in his embrace....crying loudly....why was he crying?

Why can't he remember that face??

Tae frowns....he tries a lot to remember that face. But can't....

He raise up & sits on the field.....he looks around.....

How far he sees,nothing but the white one there....

How come he is in a place like this??

He starts walking slowly passing lavender flowers...he leans a little to touch them....they look dreamy,beautiful....he thought if he touch will fade away...but it didn't...

Tae walks a little more.....wait!

Someone is laughing...a mild's coming from somewhere near....

Tae walks that laugh...

After walking for a minute....he sees

A little far...a little blurry....a lady??

Tae keeps walking...until her curly hair comes in visible,ruffling in the air...what color her hair is?? Brown...or a little red?? Tae can't looks like red to him....but this hair....he seen this before...somewhere...close...where is it??

He can't remember...

Hello...tae mumbles looking at that lady....

& then...the lady turns....with a bright smile,in her face... woke up??

Tae widen his eyes....

This is the face...this is the face that he is trying to remember from all these years. These eyes. Love filled in them. This lips...just like his...a mole in the nose...he has that too....this face was blurry till now...this smile was blurry till now......

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