chapter 20

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Jungkook stop!!! Stop right there!!!

Jungkook startled & widen his eyes in shock...

What the fuck am i thinking to do!!! Am i in my right mind!!!! He is my student...he is just a kid!!! Shame on you jungkook!!!

Jungkook feels guilty inside...he place tae's head back on the seat...

Cough* cough *

Jungkook tries to wake tae up...

Cough * kim Taehyung...

Tae moves again...& slowly opens his eyes....

He looks at jungkook who was standing in front of him...he frowns his eyes immediately....

We were sleeping..everyone already got i~

Tae stands up all of a sudden...grabbing his backpack & skateboard he rush towards the exit...

What the.....jungkook frowns his eyes & looks at tae furiously.....i need to talk to this arrogant brat right now...what the fuck does he think of himself....he rushes to catch up with tae too...

Tae was trying to avoid jungkook..he sweared he won't talk to him anymore...he gots off the bus..the starts walking furiously towards the camping spot...he didn't even notice there was a small hole ahead of him..

Kim out!!! Jungkook shouts from behind...but as tae was in anger & he didn't notice that hole..he stumbles & falls on the ground...


jungkook looks at him worriedly....he tries to immediately go near him...but....

Sensei....i was looking for you everywhere...why didn't you come to the spot yet...i want to fix my tent with you sensei....

That girl from before stops Jungkook holding his hand...

Please sensei come with me..please please please...she starts whining while pulling his hand...

Tae got a little hurt in his leg..he was hoping Jungkook will come & help him to get up...but he feels a crunch in his heart when that girl holds Jungkook hand & jungkook said nothing..not even look at him...tae looks down...then suddenly he smirks.....

He stands up & shakes off the dust from his clothes...

Jungkook looks at him....

Tae~ Jungkook tries to say something...but starts walking ignoring his leg pain...

Jungkook feels irritated & looks at the girl...

Hey..i said to stick together with other students...why did you come here?? Jungkook takes his hand back from her grip...


Go there...& wait with your friends...don't you have any friends??...just go & wait...i have my other works to do...

O..ok....that girl leaves immediately...

Aish!!!! What the fuck with this timing..i am sure he got hurt...i warned him before....aghhhh...! I hate this situation....i have to find him now...

Jungkook walks towards the camping spot Searching tae around....finally he finds tae at the camping spot...

Tae looks at him & saw him coming towards him...tae really doesn't wanna talk to him right he looks at baek in the crowd...

Baek ssi!!!! When Jungkook almost ask him if he got hurt or not...tae calls baek shouting....jungkook stops right there & clench his fist...

What happened to your leg tae??? Baek says worriedly...baek sits down holds tae's foot...jungkook was looking at them coldly when baek puts tae's foot on this thigh...he pokes his cheek again...

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