chapter 98

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Do i look good??

Tae murmurs looking at the's the fifth time he has changed his outfit..still he wasn't's his first time meeting with jungkook's family..except his mom...he wants to look presentable...

Aish!! I don't think this is good...god...i don't have anything to wear...tae stomps on the floor...

What are you doing??

Tae turns to meet jimin who is standing at the door...

Minnie..i have a problem here...tae whines..

& that is?? Jimin saya walking towards tae's bed & sitting on it comfortably...

I am going to meet gukkie's family today...he wants to make this official...tae smiles...

OMG!!! & you are telling me this me now!! Am i your best friend or what!! You cheater...i am not gonna talk to you anymore...i am really angry...jimin says looking other side..

Tae walks towards him..& embrace him tightly...

I am sorry...this happened so fast...he told me yesterday know i tell you everything first...right??tae says softly..

You didn't even take me to meet niana..i want to see her!!! I am her uncle!! Jimin whines...

I will take you to see her..okay? Just give me one day..niana Will see her uncle...

You promise?? Jimin says looking at tae...

I promise...replies...minnie?? Am i doing right??

Tae asks in a low voice...

What do you mean if you are doing right??jimin asks confusedly...

Tae keeps silent for sometimes....

I promised yoongi hyung i won't involve with jungkook anymore..i will have nothing to do with him...i won't go back to him..& here...i am now going to meet his parents...not only that...we have a baby together...he will be mad at me...he is gonna hate me minnie...tae says looking down.

Jimin sighs...

About his anger...yeah...he is gonna be know how he is towards you..we can say..he is your dad more hyung it's obvious he will be angry...probably gonna take his gun out when he first see jungkook,if he have any of course...jimin chuckles....tae smiles too putting his chin on jimin's shoulder...

But...the main fact here is....jimin looks at is 'you'...

parents get angry at children...but not for too long...he loves you...he loves you more than you think he does...only your happiness matters...for all of us your happiness matters first..he is gonna hate jungkook at first,for whatever misunderstandings happened...but when he will find out,your happiness only lies on him..believe me...he will accept him...jungkook loves you right?? If yoongi feels that's gonna be alright...he will welcome jungkook with all his heart...this just needs a perfect time...thatz it..yoongi never gonna hate you...never ever...he will kill others if they try to harm you...but anything wrong in his mind for you?? Never gonna take a chill...stop thinking about others...what they will think...& do what your heart tells you to do...i am again saying....jimin says pulling tae's cheek...

"Only your happiness matters"..if anything happens...i am here for you...we all don't worry...but tell me this first...are you going to wear that shirt with a hole on it?? Jimin says pointing at tae's shirt...

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