chapter 76

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Knock knock

Come on in..jungkook says seating on his desk...he knows who is going to enter his room right now....

The door opens after that..tae peeks at his boyfriend standing on outside...

Come on in kim taehyung....jungkook says wriggling his one eyebrow...

No sensei..i am good here...tae says innocently...

Come on babe...don't be scared...jungkook smiles...

No sensei..i am really good out here..tae smirks...

Aww my baby is scared?? Don't be scared baby..come come..jungkook says waving his hand..

I am not scared sensei...tae replies.

Jungkook smiles evilly...

Baby do you want me to carry you to take you inside?? Jungkook smiles innocently.. smiles...we are in school sensei..

That's the point baby..come inside...don't tease your sensei too much...

But i am really fine here...

Ahhh...jungkook shakes his left me no choice babe..jungkook stands & starts walking towards tae...

Tae takes a few steps back outside..

Jungkook smiles & starts walking towards tae..tae keeps walking back...& he stops when his back touches the wall...

Now who's gonna save you babe...jungkook says mischievously...he looks around to see if anyone was there....& suddenly tae widen his eyes when jungkook carry him on his shoulder...

G..gukkie someone will see us...

There is no one babe...jungkook says & carried tae inside his room & locks the door behind...then he walks towards his desk & puts tae on his desk...

What are you doing?? Tae smiles looking at him shyly...

I am preparing myself to punish my naughty student...

But sensei..i am sooo innocent you know??

Yeah?? So innocent who almost killed me with his seductive work a while ago...i had to attend a meeting with our principal while having a boner..

Me?? I did something?? Why can't i remember??

You will remember now will remember everything now...

Jungkook says grabbing tae's face & leaning down...tae smiles softly before warping his hands around jungkook's shoulder...he leans too to attach their lips...

They kiss each other passionately...tae moves his lips syncly with jungkook's lips..jungkook's bites softly on tae's lower lips for entrance..tae slightly opens his mouth..jungkook slides & enters his tongue inside tae's mouth..he was tasting every inch of his cavern...tae tilts his head to give jungkook better access...tae doesn't even realize when jungkook pulled his tie & binds his hand with it..

Tae widen his eyes when he feels knot on his hand..he looks at jungkook blankly...

W..what are you doing??

Punishing a mischievous kitten...jungkook smirks...

Tae blushes looking at his binded hands...

Unbind me..please...

Nope...jungkook replies softly kissing on tae's cheek..then he sucks tae's earlobe softly...tae closes his eyes resting his head against jungkook's face...

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