chapter 16

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Don't tell him i was here...okay??

Tae looks at Namjoon....

But hyung....he tries to say something but stops seeing Namjoon Sadly smiling...

Don't will listen to your hyung...right?.?

Ye..yeah hyung....tae says looking down...

& others also...okay??

Tae doesn't replies..but nodes...

Namjoon comes closer & ruffles tae's hair...

What happened taetae...why this sad face?? Don't be upset,okay?? His fever dropped..i checked it a while ago...he will get well smile baby...jin hyung will be alright..sadness doesn't suit look good smiling..i can't see my taetae cheer up...take care of you...& take care of him hyung....that girl....

Umm...she is great...she is the perfect one for him...i saw love for him in her tell him to take care..for her...i am really happy for them...Namjoon says looking down...tae doesn't reply anything...

Um...i guess i will be leaving me for anything,okay??? I will be right me whenever you want...& again....take care of him...bye taetae....Namjoon turns to leave....

You love him...right?? Then why don't you make him yours???

Tae says looking down...Namjoon holts hearing this coming out from tae's mouth...

W..what are you saying taetae..thatz not what it i~

I know hyung....i know how it is...

Tae replies in a low voice....Namjoon looks down...they keeps silent for sometimes...

I don't want to make him mine without his consent tae..i loved him from the day i came into this house..from the day i first saw him..i loved him this much that sometimes it feels killing inside...i can't throw my love on him..that will hurt him a lot..& i can't see him in pain...he doesn't love me taetae...he loves someone else...& that someone is perfect for him in every way..i will never fit in that frame...what am i tae??? I am nothing..i can't force my feelings on him..he will feel suffocation...i can do anything to make him happy taetae...but can't see him suffer because of me...he will never love me back...i know what?? I will love..i will love him till my last breath..probably i won't be in front of him...but i will love him from far...i will stay around him...but never will force him with my existence....i only want to see him happy...his happiness only matters for me taetae....

Namjoon says looking down...tears foams in tae's eyes....

Hy..hyung.....tae says crying...

Not all people deserves to be loved taetae..some people gets back with empty heart too....i am one of them....the pathetic one...

Tae doesn't reply but sobs..his heart was aching hard...

Aghhh!!! I am talking a lot recently...probably i am going crazy...don't tell him anything okay??? I am leaving....

After that Namjoon doesn't wait anymore..he leaves without turning back...

I don't know about others deserves it or not hyung...but i know you deserve to be both deserves to be with each other..& i will make that happen....

Tae wipes his tears saying those...

Tae walks towards jin's room..then knocks on the door...

He walks opening the door....

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