chapter 158

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Take me with you!

Younghoon says whining,holding onto hobi's arm.

Nope babe...hobi replies.

But i want to go with you! Younghoon says again.

Can't help,you have to go to uni...hobi replies.

But i want to see niana first! Uni can wait! Take me to the airport...

Hobi looks at younghoon.

You have a presentation due today...your professor is very strict,remember? He won't accept it if you even go one min late...hobi replies.

Gosh! Fuck that professor!

Can't...i am not interested in anyone but u...hobi says shaking his head...

I~ oh come on! That's not what i mean!younghoon says smacking on hobi's arm.

Gosh..!he rests his head onto hobi's chest behind...i hate that professor...he keeps giving tasks n all...

That's probably because he saw more potential in you rather than others...hobi replies ruffling younghoon's hair.

Still,that's too much. Keeps making me work on his own thesis...he replies.

You are learning from that,right? You can use that knowledge in your own thesis in future. Even can modify that knowledge..hobi says.

Yeah,right. That explains why your picture is still cherished in our university...younghoon smiles.

Hobi widen his eyes..

You know it?? They still hanged it in there??? That's lame...hobi says wondering.

That's not lame,that's the appreciation they can share...not all people's boyfriend makes their university proud by getting the highest remark in the country & top the boyfriend can..still none couldn't beat your result. I love to show off my boyfriend's intelligence....

Younghoon grins.

People actually crowds sometimes keeps looking at your pictures,who doesn't know you are our uni's student or who knows,but still comes...they keeps praising about you,about your concerts or albums...or about your talent,intellectual....i really feel proud at that time...i sometimes keeps standing afar looking at them & keeps repeating " That's my boyfriend! Mine"

Agh! Hobi hides his face on younghoon's shoulder....

Don't say more,that's embarrassing...hobi says blushing.

What embarrassing?? Are you shy?? There's nothing embarrassing mister....having talent & intelligence together is a have both...younghoon smiles....i want to be like you too...

You already have both...& i am really proud of you...hobi gently kisses on younghoon's cheek...

I am gonna make you more proud...just have faith in me...younghoon nuzzles his nose with hobi's.

You have my full faith on you..hobi says closing his eyes...

You & taetae was gonna held a concert for eomma,right?? How's the preparation going? Younghoon asks.

Process on going...we are thinking of the ways to attract more people...hobi replies.

You are thinking about something in particular?

All my ideas are given already...can't think of anything more...

How about this ? You can give away t-shirts signed by you along with your pictures which haven't been revealed yet,with every tickets?? That will attract more fans & they will surely buy the tickets with no doubt...

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