chapter 150

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Kim park jimin....can i keep you???

Jimin keeps looking at yoongi silently...people behind him,was already whispering him to say yes.

Say yes,you stupid...tae murmurs impatiently.

Baby,calm down..jungkook whispers... this okay? C..can i really deserve that?? Jimin says trembling,looking at yoongi...

Yoongi sighs..

Are you kidding me?? I will be the lucky one if you say's me who is wondering if i am that worthy to be beside you..i am scared even if i will be able to give you all the happiness you know stupid i am..i am scared my stupid self will make a mess that will upset you....still i wanna take this risk...i wanna take every risk to be with you...i wanna go that last extent to give you all the happiness...i wanna be with you..i wanna see you every morning n wanna go sleep every night seeing your beautiful face...i wanna protect you Minnie...i wanna treasure you with everything thing i am capable of...i wanna grow old with you...cause gosh! That is everything for are everything for me...give me a chance Minnie...i am couraging here to take that courage up to take this man too,Minnie....please...yoongi says smiling,looking at jimin.

Jimin's eyes were tearing up...he sits down in front yoongi... is me who is lucky to be beside already have me all the happiness,more than i deserve...i...i was thinking cowardly...i was the one who was fearing in spite of you doing everything to be together..i am the coward one hyung,to imagine,we can forever always scared me thinking if..if one day we are not together anymore...w...what will happen to i will live without you then...

Jimin sobs looking down...yoongi was looking at him silently.

Jimin then looks at yoongi...

H..hyung...i wanna be beside you...i also want to grow old with you...i want to experience every difficulties with you,together...i want that fear to fade away from inside me....hyung...let's face everything together from now on...let's be happy together....jimin sobs.

" Hyung,please keep me...keep me forever " Jimin smiles,tears were still lingering in his eyes.

Yoongi smiles...he pulls jimin in his embrace....he holds jimin's hand...& puts the ring on jimin's ring finger....

God! Jin fans his face with his hands looking up...trying so hard not to cry right now...

T..the air here has so much dust..i think some got into my eyes....jin says looking up..

Namjoon looks at him,then smiles softly.

Yeah..this air is really filled with dust...everyone is effected from that....Namjoon says softly.

Hobi looks at younghoon....he was silently looking at Yoongi & jimin...some how his eyes seems....empty??

Hobi stands beside him...then holds his hand...

Younghoon jolts & looks at him widening....his eyes were already soaked...



hobi startled hearing that...his words gets cut in the middle.

" Don't even think about it...we are not getting married...this isn't a marriage festival or don't do anything like that..." Younghoon says quickly...

Hobi keeps looking at him for some moments....tae & jungkook,who was a standing a little close looks at them...but don't say anything...they looks at each other...but keeps silent as if they didn't hear anything...they don't wanna make things awkward for hobi.

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