chapter 162

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Baek ssi...

Baek & chanyeol looks at tae hearing that...they smiles brightly....

They were currently on a amusement park. There was a carnival going on. Baekhyun planned it a few days ago to meet together in there,the four of them. But unfortunately,jungkook would take two more days to come & the carnival will end tae alone went there as jungkook told him,he should enjoy there,or he will feel bad that tae couldn't see the carnival...he promised take tae on another one next time.

Baek rush towards tae & hugs him....chanyeol walks behind baek,smiling.

Did i make you wait for long?? Tae asks.

No...chanyeol shakes his head....we just got here 5 minutes ago...

Hi hyung...tae smiles.

Hello...jungkook hyung is out on business trip...right?? I talked to him two days ago. He said it will take 3more days to return...

Yeah hyung...tae pouts...this work isn't even letting him to breath....he apologized that he couldn't come...

Oh! Don't worry about is important too...chanyeol says.

Yeah you are gonna say that are an workaholic the way...where's ninin??

Currently at school...i wanted to bring her here along with me...but she has a painting date with yoongi hyung & there's no compromise when it's come to yoonyoon papa...tae smiles....

That's true..baek replies smiling....

Gosh! There's everyone couple here...i wish gukkie was here too...tae sighs... Juliet missing his boyfriend?? Baek tease...

Don't ask....tae shakes his head.'s alright juliet...this romeo is gonna accompany you today...baek says chuckling.

Your "romeo's romeo" too...chanyeol giggles...

Wow...then it's's gonna be fun i guess....let's go inside hyung....i should go n buy tickets first....

I already bought it...chanyeol two go ahead...i am coming right after....chanyeol says taking his phone out.

Okay hyung/ okay hyung...both baek & tae replies...
.'s gonna be are gonna live...

Tae assures chanyeol who was sitting in the middle of tae & baekhyun,in the rollercoaster,which isn't even started yet.

Chanyeol was holding baek's hand...

I..i am not scared...chanyeol says...

Hyung...baek whispers...

Yeah? Chanyeol replies.

You are....baek says nodding....

Yeah...tae replies too....

Chanyeol sighs...

You guys should encourage me! Chanyeol says...

I am encouraging you are not gonna die...even if you die...we have us you are gonna die among your close people...tae says...baek chuckles hearing that...

Gosh!! Why did i even hop in with you too?? I am missing my brother!!! Jungkook brother! Save me...chanyeol whines.

Agh! I miss him too...i~~

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