chapter 47

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Are you fucking kidding me right now??

Jungkook says stepping out of his car & looking at the fresh scratch another car just made a few minutes ago..he was going to the school...he was in a hurry..a car was turning left & it scratched his car...Jungkook feels his blood boils in anger...

He walks towards the car which did that..then he knocks at the window....

The owner slides the window down..two men were sitting on the front...

Step down...

Jungkook says coldly....

For what?? The owner replies in same tone...

Step down & look what you did to my car....

Are you kidding me man?? The owner steps down saying angrily....did you see what you did to my car?? Thatz a mere scratch...look what your car did to my bumper..the owner replies..

It was your fault!you were turning in the wrong side...

Are you nuts?? Thatz why i was turning!! You were in a hurry to bump into me...

Jungkook grinds his teeth...

Hey,are you dumb?? At least apologize for what you did there!!

Why should i apologize?? Are you blind?? You did worst to my car...the owner replies...

They were fighting on the middle of the road & other cars were stucked for was a heated conversation..they almost hit each other...

You apologize right now!!!

Jungkook shouts....

Why should i??? You apologize it's your fault..the owner replies...

You should!! & you have to...

I won't!!! Go & learn how to drive first..who gave you that god damn license!! You young people think you can do whatever you want..blind moron!!!

It's not my fault that you are an old uncle...Jungkook replies...

You!!! That man was almost ready to jump on jungkook...but another man in the car runs fast & holds him from behind...that man was struggling hard to let go off the grip...

Calm down baby...please...listen to me...another man tries to calm him...

Let me go!!! I will kill this bastard!!!

You don't have that strength in your old bones uncle...Jungkook says evilly smiling...

That man struggles again to hit Jungkook hard...

Another man holds him tightly...

Then he looks at Jungkook.... name is Namjoon...i am sorry that your car got scratched...i am saying sorry on behalf of please you two end this..there's lot of cars stucked just because of this...

Joonie!!!! Why are you saying's his fault!!! down...

I wish he had one percent of modesty you have...thank you sir..i will be leaving now...

Jungkook turns & walks towards his car...he starts his car & moves it away...

Namjoon struggles to make jin sit in the car...

Why did you do that!!! It's his fault...why did you stop me...

I stopped you because fighting isn't the solution for all things...& you are better than that...then why we should waste our time fighting?? Namjoon says smiling....

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