chapter 62

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I am home..

Yoongi says putting off his shoes...he walks towards the living soon as he entered the living room...tae runs & hugs him tightly... didn't kill anyone....right??

Yoongi smiles softly...then rubs tae's back...

I didn't..

Yoongi replies...but i wanted to...that would be exact..'s nothing..really..believe me..i already handled it...

Kiddo..are you afraid of me?? Yoongi says looking at tae...

No hyung...i know you love me...

Yeah. I Love you..i love you guys so damn much that if anyone even think of doing any harm to you i go insane. I want every thing that is harmful to you,come to me rather than to you.i can't bear anyone of you in pain.i feel like destroying that every person who wants to give you pain..he not only think of hurting you..he hurt you..he touched the most precious person to me.he has to learn a lesson for that taetae..he should remember this before touching someone after this. He should remember this before touching someone who can't fight was necessary..i can't ignore this when it comes to you...

Tae sighs holding yoongi....

So don't be afraid of me...i don't want my family to be afraid of me.i want others to be afraid of me who wants to harm my it???

Yoongi says patting on tae's head...

Yeah...tae replies...hyung...


Can i ask for something??

Anything....yoongi replies.

I want to stay at baek ssi's home tonight..he was bleeding a lot..& crying..i didn't even say anything before coming home..he..he is a brother to me..i~

You are staying don't have to explain kiddo...

Yoongi smiles..i will drop you there..don't worry..i will talk to jin hyung...

Tae nods smiling...
Is it his home?? Yoongi asks..he came to drop tae at baek's home..

Yeah..thatz the address he told me once...

Then go inside..i am leaving....i will pick you up in the morning....

Okay hyung...tae nods...
Ding dong

A middle aged beautiful woman appear at the door after a few minutes...

Yes?? She says looking at tae....

Is this baek ssi's home?? are taehyung??

Tae widen his does she knows just after seeing him once??


Oh my god...she walks towards tae & hugs him suddenly....tae jolts...he doesn't get what he should do now...

I wanted to see you from i don't know how i finally met you....she says hugging tae tightly.....then she lets tae goo & looks at him smiling....

Why are you still standing outside!!! Come inside...she says holding tae's hand...tae wasn't getting what is happening...

She drags tae with her into the home....

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