chapter 34

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Tae opens his eyes slowly....

Whe..where am i??? Tae looks around him...baekhyun was sitting beside him....suddenly he remembers he was talking to baekhyun...& then....he doesn't remember anything....where is this place?? Infirmary?? woke up??? Baek holds tae's hand....

Yeah baek ssi...

Are you feeling better now??? fever went down i guess...i am feeling much better now...

Baek puts his hand on tae's went wanna went back home??i think it will be better for you to take rest in home..i can call your hyung if you want....

No baek ssi....i am feeling better now...i will go back to class...

You sure??

Yeah...hold me please...

Baek warps his hand around tae's shoulder...then both of them walks towards their was time for their self no teachers were there...

When others saw them entering...everyone walks towards them...except one...

Taehyung..are you alright now?? One of his classmates says worriedly...

Tae nods in reply smiling...he & baek walks towards his seat...baek helps him to seat there carefully...

Thank you baek ssi...

Listen..tell me if you feel unwell...i will inform sensei...okay??

Jungkook's face suddenly pops in his head hearing that...he feels a crunch inside his heart... ssi...i am alright....

Tae sits on his seat..hiding his face in his arms on the desk...everyone went back to their seat...he didn't realize when a specific someone stands in front of him....

Knock knock

That specific someone knocks on tae's desk.

Baek ssi...let me stay like this for a few more minutes please..tae says bowing his head down...


Tae suddenly widen his eyes..still bowing down....he jolts & rises his head immediately....


Tae keeps looking at her in shock state...

Taebear....she says with foaming tears in her eyes...

Tae immediately feels rage in his whole body....

What are you doing here???

Tae says in a cold tone...

I missed you taebear...Jennie says crying....everyone was looking at them...they were wondering what is happening...especially lisa...who's that bitch again?? She says whispering the girl beside her.....

Tae looks around them...everyone was looking at them curiously....

Stop this drama right now....tae says grinding his teeth in anger...

Taebear..please listen to me...i am sorry....

Tae couldn't tolerate anymore...he stands immediately ..though he was feeling a little dizzy because of his fever....he holds the desk strongly...

Tae...are you alright ??? Baek says panicking from behind...

Ye..yeah i am baek ssi...i need to talk to her outside....

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