chapter 48

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Tae & jungkook was sleeping besides each other..they were resting their heads on their hands....jungkook was holding tae's one hand close to his chest..they were sleeping beside each other like thatz their small world.their own world..nobody,nothing is in there...just the two of them....


A certain someone stands at the door...she looks at them...she clenched her fist in anger...she looks at the sight trembling...she turns & leaves the place angrily....


Tae opens his eyes suddenly hearing his phone ringing...he looks at jungkook...he blushes seeing jungkook still holding his hand...he takes his phone with his other hand...


Taetae...where are you?? Jin asks from the other side...

I am still at school hyung....

Are you done with your tuition yet??

Yeah hyung...

Then come quickly...i have made your favorite dish today...jin says softly.....

Yeah hyung..tae hungs up his phone...

Are you leaving already??

Tae looks at jungkook jolting...he didn't realize when jungkook woke up...

Y..yeah...i have to go now..

Jungkook puts tae's hand on his cheek...

W..what are you doing sensei....

I wish we could stay like this always...could hold your hand like this....i have never been sleeping this peacefully in a long time...

Tae blushes...

Wh..why are you doing this?? said i am your student one do anything like this with their why me...

Because i fall in love with my student...a special tae...

Tae looks at jungkook turning red...



I thought it over & over...& i wanna talk to you about something...i don't know how to explain it..i am a little messy listen to me patiently...okay..?

Take your time tae...i am listening...jungkook replies..

I...i got hurt heart broke at that time..i was betrayed...i did see something worse in my trust broke after that...i can't trust anyone anymore beside my brothers...i decided i won't fall into this love trap anymore..where people just get betrayed...i was determined about it..but...i don't know how & when..i fall in love with was so hard for me to realize what i am feeling is love..i gathered all my courage to confess...but in the broke my heart too....

Tae...i am so sorry about tha~

Let me finish sensei.....tae says looking at him...after that has become more difficult for me to trust someone again...but...tae looks at jungkook...

Jungkook looks at his eyes...

My feelings aren't fading away...i am trying hard..but they aren't...i am trying so hard not to fall in love with you more..but unknowingly...i am sinking feelings for you is getting bigger...i am trying to hate you..but i can't...i can't hate the person i first's killing me inside... I am battling with my own

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