chapter 78

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Chanyeol hyung

"Baek ssiiiiiiii....i need your help!!!"

Baek keeps looking at the text for sometimes silently...

He was battling inside if he should reply it or not..after that day,chanyeol told him he liked someone from his school..something changed inside him..he doesn't know what it is..he felt..he felt empty inside..he felt so small..he passed that night thinking why he was feeling like that..the are just acquaintance to each other..he is suho's brother..they just met for a few's not like they talk all the time..a few times they have chat..then why did he felt bad when hyung told him he likes someone else..why did he felt disappointed thinking he stands in front of their school these days not for him..but for someone else?? Why did he feek restless when hyung drop him his home last time..his heart was beating fast like crazy...why was that?? Isn't it wrong to feel about someone this way just after meeting them for a few times??isn't it bad to expecting something much more from hyung?? Why he would come for someone like him?? He is's obvious he will like an amazing person..probably an amazing girl from his school..thatz more appropriate.. & he thought..he thought about disgusting stuffs that hyung probably like him or something..he is a small of a person.. Nothing compared to hyung..he doesn't have anything..they are not rich..not higher in social status..he doesn't have any self confidence..his appearance is not something that he can be proud of..he can't talk to anyone properly..he is not good in anything..moreover..he is a weakling..who on earth will like him...he has only his mom & tae in his life..thinking someone else will like him..isn't he dreaming too much...& what else...he is dreaming about chanyeol hyung..the person everyone will be envious of...everyone will be in desire of him..isn't he daydreaming too much?? Where's hyung & where's he..they are not compatible in's a sin to think something like that about hyung...

Baek looks down fidgeting his fingers for sometimes...

He doesn't know what he feels..he never felt something like that...he never thought he will like someone, man or woman..he always thought if someday,someone likes him..he will be grateful towards them..just because that person liked so pathetic of a person like him..but why does is hurt inside thinking about hyung..he doesn't even like him..he like someone else..then why he is wishing if the person hyung like...if that person was him...why he can't have someone he like..why the person he likes,can't like him back...why...why...why hyung can't like him back..why he can't like him like the way he likes hyung...

I am disgusting...right?? Baek's eyes feels with something that he doesn't want to name it tears...but..but is it too much to ask for? Is it too much to wish for that he will like me back???

He looks at his phone again..then flips it & throws it far from himself on the bed...then looks outside from the window...


Baek looks again at his phone....

Don't baek...don't think of that are getting nothing from it except pain.. Baek murmurs...

Ting ting..

Notifications keeps coming on....baek sighs looking down...then walks towards his phone...& opens its screen...

Chanyeol hyung

Baek are there??

Chanyeol hyung


Chanyeol hyung

Baek ssiiiii

Chanyeol hyung

Baek ssi..i really need your's urgent..


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