chapter 67

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What happened gukkie??

Tae says anxiously...he tries look at jungkook by letting him go..but jungkook embrace him again taking him close to his chest...

Please..let me be like this a little more....jungkook murmurs...tae doesn't loosen his grip...jungkook sits on the bench holding tae like that...

They stay like that for long...


Jungkook murmurs...

Hmm?? Tae's eyes were closed..he was feeling the warmth of jungkook's embrace....

I love you...

I love you too gukkie....

Don't leave me ever...okay?? Stay with me....

Jungkook says pleading....

What happened jungkook..please tell are scaring me right now...tae says worriedly...

Jungkook looks ahead of them for sometimes...then takes a deep breath... the grandma said....jungkook keeps silent...

Yeah?? What did she say...tae asks again..

She...she said she has chosen someone & i have to marry her...

Jungkook keeps silent for sometimes..but doesn't get any response from tae...

Jungkook waits a little more if tae response something..after a while tae push Jungkook a little & try to step aside...

Tae was looking down his face wasn't clearly visible...Jungkook panics when tae was trying to push him away...

Tae...babe...listen to me...listen to me first...

But Jungkook widen his eyes when he saw tae trembling....he grabs tae's face..& makes him look at him....

When tae looks at him..jungkook's feels his world was shuttering....tears were rolling from tae's eyes...he was crying silently....jungkook feels his heart was broken into pieces...he again pulls tae & embrace him tightly...

J..jungkook...a..are you leaving me???

Tae says crying...

Jungkook jolts hearing tae's pleading voice..jungkook saw tae crying before too..but those time..there was somehow anger mixed in those emotions..tae never gave in himself..but now...tae was was was clearly seen that tae was in lot of pain...

No!!! Jungkook puts his hand on tae's head...

Who told you i am leaving you???? said..your grandma..she...told you to marry someone she chosen..& came to tell me this hour..&..&..your sound feels were saying weird things...a..are you leaving me??are you marrying someone else??

Tae says sobbing....

No...jungkook rubs behind tae to soothe his pain away...i am not marrying someone...i won't marry anyone else except you...i love you...don't you trust me?? Please hear me out baby....

Tae nods holding jungkook..his face was buried in jungkook's chest...

I told my grandma..i won't marry that person she chose...i already someone in my kinda messed up the father was not happy about it at all..we fought..he...he..

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