chapter 138

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Are you alright??

Baek chuckles looking at chanyeol...he seems pale right now after meeting yoongi a few moments ago...

Hyung...baek says smiling again...

Chanyeol looks at baek...

Babe,i am alive...right?? Chanyeol says in wonde eyes...baek laughs...

Oh come on hyung...yoongi hyung isn't that scary as you are saying...baek says.

Not scary??? He is hella scary! I even stopped to breathe till now in front of him..that aura!! I still got chills!

Aish! Stop exaggerating hyung...baek says shaking his head...

" He literally said he is gonna dump me in the see if you even sighs for long ever!that was a death threat! I repeat that was a death threat "

Baek chuckles...he treats me just like he treats tae, hyung...he adores me so much..

Chanyeol sighs...

I know...i respect him for that...& i will never hurt you...i promise... it because you love me or yoongi hyung just threat you just now...baek chuckles & slides his hands in chanyeol's Arm..

Chanyeol thinks looking up putting his hand in his chin..

How much in trouble i am if i say it's because of yoongi hyung's threat??

A lot...baek smiles...

It's the other way around...this time chanyeol & baek chuckles together...

I realized something a while ago..chanyeol says.

Hmm?? Baek replies.

From where tae got that anger! He taken over on Yoongi hyung! I swear! Same kinda threat i got from him too...they both are scary....chanyeol says..

They both are the don't sulk anymore.

They both starts walking holding hands on a  empty road...they cross the road...doesn't let go off each others hand...

But when it gets a little crowded,baek let's go off chanyeol's hand....he looks around at the people...then steps ahead a little...

Chanyeol looks at baek...that's what baek does all the time...when they are's okay if he holds baek's hand..but when it's among other people...he always let go...

" Can't he still trust him that much??"

Chanyeol frowns... points at a food stall...chanyeol sighs...then smiles walking towards him..

You want to eat Tteokbokki?? Chanyeol asks.

Yeah! Baek replies excitedly like kids....chanyeol smiles seeing how adorable he is...

chanyeol smiles seeing how adorable he is

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