chapter 22

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Try me kim taehyung!!!

Tae looks at jungkook frowning his eyebrows...what do you think i am scared of you??? Don't even think about that..put me d~

What's that noise??

Tae says looking somewhere....some noises were coming's like something was walking around them..

Wh..what is that?? Tae says scaredly...

I don't know...tiger..bear...nohhh...most probably dinosaurs....

Jungkook says in straight face....

You are kidding me..right?? Dinosaurs doesn't exists now...tae says still looking other side to find the source of that noises...

Then it is probably don't tell me ghost doesn't exists...

Jungkook says looking other side...tae looks at jungkook to swe if he is joking or not...but jungkook's face was think that's a ghost?? Tae says stammering...

Are you scared?? says looking other side in fear again..

Warp your hand around me & come closer..don't look other side...i am no one can do anything to me...

Jungkook says looking down at tae...tae looks at jungkook for sometimes....then slowly tae warps his hands around jungkook's neck..he hides his face on jungkook's chest like a scared little kitten...

Jungkook was looking at him..suddenly he looks other side to control his laughter....

Oh god..! He is so cute...

Jungkook holds him tae wasn't moving like before...

Jungkook starts walking..but after a few steps..he suddenly stops & stands still..

Tae widen his eyes nuzzling on jungkook's chest...

D..did you see the ghost?? He wishpers holding jungkook it th..that really scary??tae asks trembling...

Worse than that... Jungkook replies..


We are lost...i forgot the way to go all looks same to me.... Jungkook says looking ahead of him...

What!!!!!!! Tae says can you do that!!!!! You just came can you forget the route that quickly...

You came here you remember the route?? Jungkook asks looking down at tae...

Tae doesn't reply anything...

Then let's not talk about that.besides i came here running hearing your shout..i didn't pay much attention on the's not important it's important to think what we will do next..we hav~

Suddenly all of a sudden it starts raining....

We have to find a shelter first..Jungkook says hiding tae's head with his hand so that he doesn't get drenched...

Where?? Tae says timidly...

You see those trees out there?? Those has huge branches..we won't get drench if we sit under those...i guess people will come searching us in the morning for the night..let's spend it here...jungkook murmurs....tae nods hearing those...

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