chapter 37

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That was fun!!!! We should do that often!!!

Hobi says excitedly...though his voice already cracked as he has eaten a lot ice creams...

Yeah...that was....Namjoon ruffles his hair...

Hobi looks at jimin...

I don't know why..but minnie seems to be upset...what happened minnie?? He asks looking at him...

Jimin gets startled all of a sudden....everyone looks at him...

Yeah..i had noticed it too...what happened minnie??

Yoongi looks at him sadly....deep down in mind he knows it was something related to him..but he doesn't know what it was...& Jimin is not telling him either. If he knew what he did that day......

N..nothing hyung...what would happen to me!?! Jimin brings a forced smile on his lips...

Only tae was looking at him without blinking....something is not right..he murmurs....

Okay on's getting late..after returning,you have to sleep early...jin says looking at others...

Namjoon starts the car..they reach home after sometimes....

Hobi enters yawning....

Ahhh...guys...i am off to sleep...see you in morning...

See you in the morning...good night...they start leaving one by o one...yoongi looks at jimin for the last time...then turns & leaves too...

Taetae..i am g~

You are sleeping with me tonight...

But..i think tha~ jimin says hesitating...

End of are not sleeping alone tonight...tae grabs jinin's hand & drag him with himself....jimin sighs helplessly...

Are you sleeping in those?? Aren't you changing first minnie?? Tae says confusedly...

Jimin looks at his clothes...yeah...i will be changing right now...

Your clothes are in the cupboard...

Jimin turns & walks towards the cupboard to grab his clothes..he grabs a tee & pulls his shirt off to change it...

Tae was looking at his mobile down.. everything alright with y~

He looks at jimin suddenly.....but widen his eyes immediately jolting after looking at jimin..he runs towards jimin...& holds his arms suddenly...that tee jimin was holding,falls from his hand...jimin looks at tae in shock....

Who did this!!!!

Jimin startled hearing tae's voice...he looks at tae in his eyes...tae's eyes turned scary red right was expressing how angry he was right now..his blood was boiling in anger..jimin gets scared seeing tae like that....jimin knows tae very well..he knows when he gets angry what disaster can happen...

W..what happened taetae....he asks scaredly...

Who did this to you?? Tae points at the bite marks & Black marks in jimin's body....jimin suddenly realize what disaster he made just now..he totally forgot about those marks...he was trembling what he will answer tae now...

Tell me god dammit!!!!

Tae grips on jimin's arms strongly.... are scaring me....

Tell me that motherfuckers name...!!! I will kill that bastard...i will rip his head could he lay a finger on you!!!! Just tell me who did this to you...that son of a bitch...

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