chapter 171

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Yoongi raise his head....his eyes were blurry...his vision was all takes a few moments for him to see the person standing in front....

Minnie...he murmurs....sit..

Jimin sits beside him in the chair....they were sitting in the waiting room....everyone was sitting to the front. Yoongi choose to sit in the back,where the window was. It was already 12am in the night.

Jin's head was aching so bad right now,that he was leaning on the wall....not that the clouds of his thoughts stopped floating in his head.....what was aching more? His head...his heart??which one....but on the second thought....aren't they all connected?? It's paining a lot,because he knows...his kid in hurting more....a part of his body is screaming at him " Look are a careless parent! You couldn't even take care of your kid. You guys made his life all miserable. What he is suffering now,is all your deed. What you are feeling in your body now,is so much less than what he is going through right behind that that room "

He jolts when he feels cold touch in his forehead. Someone's finger running in his forehead gently...he knows who that person is...

Jin opens his eyes slowly...namjoon puts his hand on jin's shoulder. Holds jin's head with with another. & place it on his shoulder gently.

Lie down a bit. You will feel better. I am gonna massage your head....

Jin keeps silent In reply,he keeps leaning like that.

Sleep for sometime if you feel like it,that gonna effect more....namjoon says again...

" If all the pain go away just like that,with someone's gentle touch...when the warmth reach not only the body,but heart to melt it....wouldn't it great??"

Jin murmurs looking at the void....

Namjoon sighs....

He leans his head to jin's.

You know is good that we feel pain....namjoon says softly....

sometimes when we crawl up in our pain,we realize,we are alive. Or there are people around us too...who can't feel anything,lie down on the bed days by days,can't feel their legs,can't feel their own hands,own body...just pray to God to feel a little pain,a little something so that can realize they are still alive. Other wise,their body is pragmatic....

Just like that...when we feel pain for someone,we realize,that person holds an important place in our heart...when it hurts more thinking we might lose that person,it means that person occupies our hearts,we can't let go. That person is someone,worth waiting for. For their comeback. Doing everything for that person to come back,it's worth it.....

& when that person finally comes back...don't forget that pain you felt before...because that's what makes us more determined to cherish that person. To pamper him,to love him...all the love actually.....because nothing is we should cherish it...with all our heart. Because the person for whom our heart pained thinking we might lose him,is worthy of cherishing. Worthy of our treasuring...namjoon smiles.

He is gonna come back...right?? Jin asks murmuring.

Definitely..namjoon smiles.....he is our taetae...can he live without us? He can't...he knows we can't either. We need him to live. We need to hear his giggle in our kims mansion. & what did i tell the way our hearts pain seeing him like this proves he is filled in our same way,his heart pains too at the thought of losing should know that better...we all should know it better....when his heart is filled with us,can he leave us & go to the heaven??

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