chapter 152

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"Eomma...minnie....don't cry...okay??"

Hobi says looking at eomma & jimin who was crying nonstop....they all are currently in the hospital...

After getting tae out from that store house,they bring him to this hospital asap....all this time yoongi didn't let tae go for a single second. He was with his straight face all the this time...his shirt was soaked in tae's blood.

Jungkook's heart was squeezing so hard in pain. He never saw he will see tae like this ever. Thinking about a single scratch on tae's body,makes him go insane....not only now,after meeting him...tae only gets injured somehow...everytime something happened,tae ended up injured...jungkook doesn't know...why he always feels it's his fault that tae gets hurt everytime...everytime ended in pain..

"Why you are crying?? "

Jimin & eomma looks at yoongi hearing that...hobi,baek & chanyeol were standing aside...younghoon was with niana at home....she doesn't know about her papa still.

How is he??? Eomma asks crying.

Doctor is monitoring him eomma...he will be alright...don't cry...yoongi says softly.

W..why didn't i get a hold of him before...jimin says looking down.

Yoongi keeps looking at him for sometimes...then sits besides him...

Don't say's not like's~~

He suddenly notice jungkook sitting all alone aside...looking at his fingers...he wasn't even blinking.

Yoongi sighs...

He pats behind jungkook...

What happened...Yoongi asks in a soft tone.

Jungkook doesn't raise his head...

I..i am sorry hyung...jungkook murmurs....

Why are you sorry?? Yoongi asks again.

I...jungkook fidget his fingers...i am the careless one...i couldn't take care of tae..when i promised you i will...i say i love him..but...jungkook murmurs.

Yoongi keeps silent for a moment...then puts his hand on jungkook's head.

It wasn't your fault...i should thank you...if it wasn't you,we couldn't find him that easily. It's all because of you taetae is safe don't say sorry...i am sure he didn't inform you before going out like the way he didn't inform any of don't feel one will blame you...& don't blame yourself either...nothing happened to him...he will be alright...

Yoongi says softly...then looks at others....

You guys too....he will be stop worrying too much...doctors are monitoring him...right?? I am sure taetae is gonna be alright...& another thing...

Yoongi pause.

Don't inform jinnie & joonie hyung anything about this. Not even a single thing. They hardly get any chance for being with each other happily...i don't want anyone to disturb them now...if they find out...i am gonna handle it...but do not tell them anything now....they probably just reached there...if they hear about this,they will come back immediately...& i don't want guys get it??

Everyone nods slowly...

Yoongi sighs...

Good...i think i need some fresh guys stay me if the doctor comes out...or you guys need anything...Yoongi says standing up.

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