chapter 96

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Jungkook says looking at his mom...they were sitting in the dining hall...jungkook's mom was trying to feed niana who was on tae's lap..

Yeah kookie.....niana baby don't make that have to eat broccoli too...don't left that out....mrs.jeon says trying to feed niana...

I am sorry...

Tae & mrs.jeon both turns at jungkook...jungkook was sitting on his chair putting his both hands on the table & looking down....

W..what happened are you alright?? Did something happen??Mrs.jeon says in a tensed tone... am sorry...

Jungkook keeps silent for sometimes...tae & mrs.jeon both were looking at him anxiously...

From my childhood...i could never be a perfect son...i couldn't be there for you ever. I just took from you..couldn't give you anything..couldn't be a good son have to manage all your responsibility & me together..couldn't ever get a wasn't had to take care of me & all..i couldn't sleep at spent your night sleepless holding me in your arms..i couldn't eat because i was didn't eat anything either..i was make me calmed...i got bullied in went there & fought for me with those bullis parents..i was a coward back had to attend all my sports final...PTM...though you were so much stucked in other had to my birthday...i knew...father didn't write that card for was you who did all that...i didn't even hugged you that night...i was a stupid kid back then..i think i still am..

When i came back from abroad...i fought with dad...leave all...i was so selfish that i couldn't even think i was leaving you there too..i didn't even take you with me...i am still coward mom...your coward son..i make too many mistakes in my life...i hurt you had too much confidence,faith on my...but last time...i broke that too..couldn't take care of you ever..& tae...i fell in love with him..he believed me..i promised i won't break his heart..but i eventually did that..not once...many times...i am a horrible person...couldn't be a perfect son...couldn't be a perfect boyfriend...nothing...i~

Tae...hold this bowl for me...mrs.jeon says looking at tae who was sniffing right now holding his daughter...tae takes that in his hand...

Then she stands up & walks towards jungkook...she kneels before jungkook taking his hands in her hands..jungkook was still looking down..

First tell me...have you ever seen a perfect person?? Who doesn't have any flaws?? Because i didn't..every person has flaws jungkook..i have too..if you are thinking i am too perfect..then you are wrong..i get angry i get upset i get jealous...all this feelings also happen to me..human are a mixer of these feelings..they can't be perfect in all aspects..thatz why they are human...

You said i couldn't sleep at night..i couldn't eat..i took care of you..attended all of your programs...but isn't it something at all mothers do?? Because they love their kids?? You are my son jungkook..i carried you in my womb..i even realize what you want when you were in there..when you just born,weren't able to speak..weren't able to tell anyone what you want..i still understood you...because i am your mom..only moms understands what their children wants even if they can't say are my part are thinking i bothered myself for taking care of you?? You are my everything jungkook. I would even do all that if this world breaks down on me...

Parents sometimes gets angry to see their kids doing angry...not on kids..on themselves..thinking probably there is something that they couldn't give their they did all those wrong...there are something flaw in themselves...that guilt makes them so angry that they says many things to their kids in anger..believe me..they don't mean a single words..they can't never think of their kid as bad...children are parents life...their hearts are connected..they can never think of something wrong to their kids...that day...i did that too..i got so angry..i told you those...believe me...i didn't mean those...i am so proud of my good jungkook who always been my good kid.. What do you think? I can be mad,think wrong about my son because of whom i am still alive?? did something wrong..but you also accepted you were wrong...tried to correct yourself...doesn't it matter most??

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