chapter 77

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Jin turns & see younghoon was standing outside of the kitchen..

It's passed several days since he came into this house after his grandpa's death..he became somewhat changed..he doesn't talk much..he sits with all..everyone tries to bring smile on his face by any means..he smiles a little..but doesn't talk much..he doesn't eat properly..even if jin tries hard.he doesn't come out of his room that much...jin tries to make sure he is alright..all of them were worried about younghoon...specially hobi..he was trying hard to bring younghoon's normal self back...jin saw hobi many times in midnight standing in front of younghoon's room silently,then return back to the living room & sit there all alone..he looks stressed recently..he was always a sunshine of their life..they are not used yo see him like this...jin feels worried about both of them...

Jin smiles softly looking at younghoon...

You came kiddo...are you hungry?? Do you need anything??let me make something for you...jin smiles... hyung...i help you...i was bored in i thought i should.... Younghoon says looking down

Here...wear this apron...jin hands him over an apron...

Younghoon looks at him..then smiles softly holding that apron....

Do you want to cook something special with me??

Yeah hyung...i don't know much about cooking though...i just used to cook some specific food for my gr~

Younghoon stops talking..he suddenly remembers about his grandpa...'s okay...i can teach you some you wanna know some recipes of my specialty??

Yeah hyung..i will love to...

Okay then...welcome to jin's kitchen kiddo...
What are you doing??

Hobi says looking at younghoon..who was working in the kitchen...he didn't know jin was leaning down on the cabinet to pick up something..he didn't see jin...

I..i am doing..a..little...

Younghoon tries to organize his words but fails....

You know you don't have to do anything..we have servants here..just tell them or tell me if you want anything. Does hyung know you are doing this on your own...

Jin rises his hand up from under the cabinet....

I know,u dumbo....he says standing up.. were here hyung....

Yeah..i am here..i told him to help you have anything say about that?? Jin says putting his hands on his waist & looking at hobi....

I don't want a the answer is 'nope'...hobi says smiling...

Okay go freshen's lunch is made by know...jin says smiling...he looks at younghoon..he was blushing slightly looking down...

Yup..i am coming in a minute..can't wait longer...hobi says smiling looking at younghoon..then runs towards his room...

Whipped dork...jin murmurs seeing him running...

What hyung??

Younghoon asks confusedly...

Nothing...jin replies shaking his head...

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