chapter 132

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"I am being awarded with the most prestigious award as a president,as a businessman in South korea"

Hyung you scared us....jimin says sighing in relief...then he smiles brightly...

Congratulations hyung....he says happily...

Thank you kiddo..i didn't intentionally scared you..i was just...Namjoon tries to organize his words...

It's okay hyung....Congrats hyung...everyone Starts congratulating Namjoon....

When it comes to yoongi...yoongi scratch his head shyly...then looks at Namjoon & genuinely smiles...

Congrats hyung...your hard work paid off totally deserve it...yoongi says softly..

Namjoon smiles brightly looking at him..

Thank you..

Then he looks down at jin..who was still holding him...but didn't say a word after hearing that...his face was bow down...he wasn't even moving...

Namjoon sighs...then pulls him closer in his embrace...jin doesn't say anything...but hide his face in namjoon's chest..

Namjoon looks at others..

I am taking him with me...he says softly..

Yeah two take rest...younghoon assures...

Namjoon takes jin to their bedroom...

Yoonyoon papa..niana askes looking up at yoongi's face...yoongi looks down...

Yeah ninin...he replies..

What is..pres pres...what was it?? Aghhhh! Niana already forgot!

Tae smiling looking at them two...he opens his mouth to tell niana it's president...but before that yoongi spoke...

"It's like an exam know what exam is,right? If you study hard,you do well in your exam...your joonjoon came first in that's a big day for him..."

Niana claps hearing that...

Yoongi should be a sensei actually...hobi tells minne in a low voice...

I heard that....yoongi replies...still looking at niana....

Tae smiles brightly...

When niana drew a picture well...dada bought niana a big teddy bear...joonjoon came first...why aren't you giving him something?? Niana says innocently...

Everyone looks at each other...

Yeah! Why aren't we doing anything! We should be celebrating this! It's really a big day! We should do something for him...tae says excitedly..

What can we do? Any suggestion? Yoongi asks..

How about we arrange barbecue tonight?? In our garden?? & drinks on me..hobi replies.

Not a bad idea i's high time we did something like that...i am gonna grill it then.taetae is gonna help me with that....yoongi replies...

What niana will do then?? Niana asks eagerly..

Ninin will do the most important thing...yoongi replies..

Niana looks up at his face...

Niana is gonna tell me how the food tastes...yoongi says seriously..

Yeah...that's the most important important ninin's work is..that's the most difficult task...she id gonna do that in her little age!! We are so proud of her...everyone says seriously...

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