chapter 90

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What the heck is it??

Tae murmurs opening his was flooded with small cards & lots of chocolates..

In every card it was written 'sorry' in it..

Everyone passing by was looking at him  first

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Everyone passing by was looking at him first..then at his locker...they whisper something smirking...

Tae grinds his teeth...

What's with these childish things now?? He is a sensei for god dammit..not a teenager who will do something to patch's not like they are going to get together if he does something like this...they broke up for good this time...can't he understand simple words?? Why he is doing these! Everything is over...their relationship ended...then what's the meaning of doing this...he will ruin his reputation if someone finds out..he even have to quit this job..still...

Suddenly a paper catch his eyes...he reaches for it..then takes it in his hand...


I know you told me not to call you by your name..but this name,it became a reason that brings smile in my lips every time i say this,it became a habit to call you in this name from the first day i know your know..what's so similar about that day & today...i didn't have the right to call you this that day,i still don't have the right to call you in it..

I lost that right because you are hurt...& the worst part is...i am the reason behind it..i hurt the person i love most in this world...

How can i convince it? It only listen to you...

It hurts hurts a lot even to think you are no longer in my won't love me anymore.we won't talk like the way we used to talk will see me as a stranger..more or your sensei only...i no longer can hold those fingers won't lingering with your fingers embrace can't no longer reach your warmth.

Every night i woke up having this nightmare..i feel suffocation...i feel like i am dying...i reach to hold everywhere to find you..but i can't reach you...darkness fil ups everything...

I am not perfect tae..i never life is too full of mistakes..thatz why couldn't be a good son...couldn't be the person you can trust....

I wanted to be..believe me..i wanted it..but again messed up everything.

I promised myself to cherish you with all my heart.but ended up hurting you.

I didn't want it tae..believe me..every time i hurt you..i feel like to kill myself..but keep doing same mistakes again and again.i am the worst kind of person who doesn't deserve to be forgiven.

But this worst person doesn't have anyone but you tae..only you...i never loved anyone before except my came in my life changed..i started smiling..i started to change..i started to sleep every night thinking i will see you tomorrow..i started to think my mind only can be calmed if i see you...

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