chapter 164

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[ it's gonna be a long chapter]

" Hyung,are you alright??"

Jungkook asks looking at yoongi,who was about to step inside his car.

Yoongi stops & looks at Jungkook.

Yeah...just a little puzzled with something...& hoping to know the truth...

Is it something big hyung?

It's about my trust....

Jungkook pause looking at him..

Hyung did i do something wrong?

Yoongi keeps looking at him for a moment...he doesn't know why & shouldn't have feel like this. But he really feels heartbreaking looking at Jungkook. He feels sympathise towards him,though he isn't the one who should receive sympathy now...those kids are deserving...but still knowingly yoongi's heart was hurting to doubt on Jungkook...

He unknowingly ruffles jungkook's hair...

I am really hoping you didn't do anything wrong. I don't believe on people that quickly jungkook. But i am believing on you...don't break my trust....if my trust is broken once on someone,it never fix again...i trust you with my kid & decided to give him to you...don't make me disappointed...& don't break that trust...i am begging you...

Jungkook can't find any words to reply...he holds yoongi's hands...

I won't break your trust hyung....Jungkook replies politely .

Suddenly those kids face flashes on yoongi's mind. His heart squeeze hard. It seems impossible to disbelief this person here for yoongi. His heart isn't convinced to doubt on Jungkook no matter what. He totally can't relate two things. There has to be some gaps...what are those...

Yeah...yoongi slowly nods....i am gonna go now....mind if ninin stay with me tonight? I am gonna drop her tomorrow after school...

Yeah problem....i am gonna return to office then..

Yoongi turns then again stops...& looks at jungkook...

" Jungkook don't do anything that will harm someone innocent,ever...okay?"

Jungkook frowns...

Hyung,now seriously you are worrying me....are you alright? Worried about something? You can tell me hyung....i am gonna try my best to ease that...i promise......Jungkook replies worriedly.

Yoongi keeps silent..

Nothing...i think i am just exhausted & upset about that incident in told you about...

You sure?

Yeah...i am gonna go safe on your way back...

You too hyung...Jungkook politely replies.

Yoongi hops on his car....driver starts...

Yoongi looks at jungkook's face....then takes his eyes out....

Is anything bothering you sir....

Yoongi's secretary asks him.'s bothering me a lot & all i am seeing is darkness...yoongi replies.

Are you feeling sick sir? Should we turn to the hospital?

No...yoongi replies...i am just having a head is hurting so much..stop near any convince store & buy some painkillers...

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