chapter 40

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The beer bottle jimin was holding falls from his hand & breaks into pieces...

Suddenly an image comes into jimin's head...

A little four years kid appears before him.. wit tae..(brother please come with tae)...

He remebers the day that angel stretched his warm embrace to take him home..his mom & dad...jin...namjoon...hobi...everyones face comes before his eyes...tears rolls down from his eyes...

What was he doing!!!


Jimin shouts crying....

I...i am a coward taetae...i can't even take my life!!! You have a coward brother taetae..!!!! I can't even gather courage to leave you all..!!!!

Jimin cries loudly....

I..i didn't even say you all gave me can i become this selfish!!!you gave me all that love that i don't even deserve...& i..i was taking my life without thinking about you!!!i was just thinking about my life..i didn't even think about!!!!

Jimin takes a step back..then collapse on the ground of the rooftop...

I am a coward...god!! Why didn't you give me courage for anything!!! I can't tell the person i love him..i can't see him with someone else...i can't give anyone anything...i can't even take my life!!!! God!!! Why did you make me this pathetic!!! Now how i will be living this miserable life!!!

Jimin cries clenching his chest....he cries his heart out...this pain...was killing him...this thought was killing him how helpless he was...why can't he live a normal life like others!!! Why did he fell in love with the person he shouldn't have!!

Jimin lies down on the floor...looking up on the sky.... am sorry...i am the worst son of yours....please forgive me.....
1 hr after

Ding dong

A servant opens the door...

Young came?? Master tae was very worried for you...he called you many times..but couldn't connect your phone...

Jimin looks down...then nods...i..i will talk to him later..

Young master...are you alright?? Your voice....

I am alright....jimin says looking down...i will go to my room now....i am tired....

That servant steps aside to make way for jimin....

Jimin slowly walks towards his room...his legs were feeling heavy while talking...not only his legs..his whole body was feeling numb...he puts his hand on the nob of the door....then slowly rolls it to open the door...he enters his room looking down...suddenly he rises his head slowly...but jolts when he see someone sitting on his bed in the darkness....


He tries to ask...

Did you have fun out there?? Leaving me alone??

Jimin widen his eyes hearing yoongi's cold voice...

What?? Why aren't you talking?? Did you have fun leaving a dumb person like me?? Did you have fun out there with your girlfriend??did you have fun making a fool out of me????what kim park jimin?? Why aren't you saying anything??

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