chapter 60

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Jungkook stretch tae's hand up while kissing him...he pinned tae against the ground...he keeps kissing & sucking on tae's soft lips..

Tae forgot where they were..he even wasn't able to think what is happening..he was living in the moment...he warps his leg around jungkook's leg...

Mhm....tae slightly opens his eyes when jungkook suddenly licks on tae's lower lip..

He feels like his lips are melting...his whole body was burning to that extent that it can melt anytime...

He holds jungkook's bare neck with his finger tips...jungkook face was so close to him...jungkook's heart was beating fast like crazy..

Jungkook's body was grinding on tae's body..every touch of jungkook was making tae's body shiver..whimper was escaping from tae's mouth unknowingly...

Jungkook slides his hand under tae's shirt..his cold fingers keep roaming on tae's soft body..tae's feels burning sensation inside...jungkook doesn't even realize while roaming on tae's soft body...his fingers ended up on tae's nipples..he keeps on rubbing their while sliding his tongue into tae's mouth...

I..i don't feel anything there~~~ tae says panting...but suddenly jungkook pinch on tae's nipples...

Ahhh!!!! A soft moan comes out of tae's mouth..he widen his eyes covering his mouth thinking what just happened...

Jungkook rises his head & looks at tae who was blushing hard... baby is sensitive there...

Jungkook says whispering near tae's ear. Tae covers his face in embarrassment...

Don't cover your face babe.. Let me see don't know how beautiful you are looking right now...

Jungkook whispers again before he rubs on tae's nipples again..

D..don't...there...ah...tae moans again...

Jungkook deepen his lips on tae's neck..

Tae hugs jungkook tightly in sensation...

But he suddenly realize he shouldn't do that...when jungkook rises his head again widening his eyes....


Don't look down.jungkook...don't look down...tae says in mind..

You are hard...

I..i am sorry...tae says hiding his face on jungkook's chest... I..i had never felt this before...this..this is new to me..i..i am sorry jungkook...tae says whispering..

Jungkook warp his hand around tae..

Why are you saying sorry??there's nothing to be love me,right?? Your body is responding to the person you love..that's how it should be.right? & i am happy that only my touch can make you like this..only mine...jungkook whispers in tae's ear.. ..

&..besides...i..i am hard too...

Jungkook says in embarrassment...

Tae jolts..then looks up at jungkook's face first..a shy smile was attached on his lips..then he looks down...jungkook was right. He was hard too..

This never happened to me before too...jungkook smiles....

Jungkook rubs on tae's soft earlobe...tae closes his eyes...

I know this all new to touch is making everything worse...but..let me help you babe..if we don't take care of will be me do it for you...

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