chapter 4

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Tae was trapped in between jungkook's strong arms...

Sensei...i think there are some misunderstandings...tae thinks in mind some witted know...i came here there is no reason you can know me from before...right?? How can you see me in a night club...right sensei???

But kim taehyung...jungkook tilts his head....i didn't refered anything about the night club...did i???how do you know about the night club then??

Shit tae!!! Tae bites on his tongue...okay sensei...listen...i was drunk that night...& my friends dared me to do that..i have no other i have to do Offence please... didn't follow my words..i told you to give me back my tie in your didn't...then you lied to me about that & pretend that you don't know are provoking me kim taehyung....& i don't like those people who provokes intentionally threw yourself on me in the class...right....i have seen many people like you who likes to seduce other by doing these types of things...&...i hate those people...

What!!!! Sudden realization comes in tae's mind...what did he mean by seducing?? When did i seduced him!!! Tae looks at jungkook with his burning eyes....then smirks suddenly....

Jungkook looks at him confusedly...

Hahha....oh god...tae laughs...i was being honest with you jeon Jungkook S.E.N.S.E.I....i did seduce you...what can you do about that??? Tell me na??? Tae smirks again...

You got quite a attitude,kim taehyung?? I don't like people who shows this kinda attitude in front of me...

& i don't like you sensei...tae looks directly at jungkook's eyes...why the fuck i will seduce you?? What you are?? I don't even like your face...seduce you my foot...!!! Tae says in anger...

Jungkook gritts teeth...wild cat?? I know how to turn a wild cat into a provoked me right?? Keep that in mind...

Jungkook pulls tae's both hand up & pinned it against the wall...

What the fuck are you doing!!! Let me go!!!! Tae says struggling...

What???feeling scared??Why now??

Who is scared of you bastard!!!! Let me go....tae was becoming red in anger....tae was cursing jungkook struggling...Jungkook tighten his grip...

Don't you dare jeon Jungkook!!!! Tae says loudly...

Try me...saying this jungkook leans towards close as tae can feel his breath in his lips...jungkook's lips almost touched his lips...

Wh..what are you doing....tae starts to getting scared...what is this bastard doing!!!

Tae close his eyes...his body was trembling right now..without knowing tears rolls down from his eyes....jungkook looks at tae..he feels pain in his heart suddenly seeing tae like that...somewhere in his heart,it feels weird....he releases tae's hand...tae falls down on the floor...anger helplessness he was having mixed feelings of those...

How dare he do that with me!!! With kim taehyung!!!!his pride was falling down.& he cried because of that bastard... Tae's body shivers in dare he touched got on my nerves jeon fucking jungkook....tae look directly at jungkook's eyes...his eyes were burning...

his eyes were burning

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What?? Scared now???...learn from this kim taehyung...never provoke me again...or it will be worse...jungkook says coldly...

Taw wipes his tears...we will see about that.....saying this tae leaves jungkook's room....

Jungkook looks at tae leaving....all of a sudden he finds everything amusing...he smiles looking down....

I like wild cats tae....this will be fun!

Sorry for the short chapter guys.i had a hectic day really tired 😩😩 ...🙏

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