chapter 127

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[Long messy chapter warning]


Tae turns around hearing someone calling him..& smiles seeing a person running towards him..

He was near their school gate..

Baek-ssi!!!! Tae runs towards baek like he always if they didn't meet for long if they weren't together just the day if two lost soul just met..

Baek jumps on tae...

I missed you tae!!!

I missed you too baek ssi..


Baek & tae turns around hearing someone's chuckle...chanyeol was standing in front of his car,which tae didn't notice until now..

Tae & Baek frowns looking at him..

Why is this 'Strange person' smiling at us?? Tae asks..

I don't he a kidnapper?? Is he here to kidnap 'two beautiful' Young students??? Both baek & tae looks at chanyeol suspiciously..

Woah babe...calling your boyfriend kidnapper?? Chanyeol says walking towards them..who dropped you school just now??

Do you know him...?? Tae asks baek..

Little little...baek says..

Can we trust him??

Yeah..i think we can..he is not harmful...baek replies..

Okay then...tae replies...

So kind of you two...chanyeol says shaking his head...

How are you tae-ssi..chanyeol says smiling..

I am fine hyung..we met after a long time..'s been some days..i told baeky that we should meet sometimes..couldn't make it..if you are free,let's meet somewhere good next time..last time we met in the cafe..i felt bad i couldn't even treat you properly...chanyeol says..

It's okay hyung..yeah..let's meet next time...are you going to your company now??

Yeah..just wanted to drop baeky at school before that..

Hmm..picking up boyfriend from home..being caring boyfriend..huh??

Tae says teasing both of them..

Still couldn't reach up jungkook-ssi's level..i heard he did amazing things to win you..baeky talk about you two a lot...that's really impressive...chanyeol chuckles..

Tae scratches his head shyly..

Let's meet all together next time..jungkook-ssi too..i heard he is of my age..we will be a great group..i wanted to meet him too...

Yeah hyung..absolutely..tae replies...

Should i buy you two something to drink before your classes?? Chanyeol asks.

Tae you wanna drink something?? Baek asks..

Nah! It's okay for me..we are running out of time anyway..classes will be starting in a few minutes..

No for me too..baek will be late too..baek says to his boyfriend...& make sure to have that lunch i have packed for you..

Sure thing babe..chanyeol replies softly..bye you....bye tae-ssi...

Bye hyung..they waits some moments there....then enters school...

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