chapter 137

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Hey beautiful,good morning..

Jungkook says pulling tae towards him..squeezing him in his embrace...

Good morning....tae says softly....

Seeing you besides me after i woke up early in the morning,it's like a dream...i am not dreaming...right? Jungkook asks in a sleepy tone closing his eyes..

Tae looks at his face....then raise a little...& softly pecks on jungkook's lips...jungkook smile while his eyes were still closed.

It's not a dream hyungiee...i am here...tae whispers..

Agh! I want all my mornings be like this...opening my in my arms...what an amazing morning it would be...Jungkook says caressing tae's hair..

Tae smiles,he was feeling the warmth of jungkook's body...

I can feel your heartbeat...tae says murmuring.

Yeah? How is it 'future doctor'??jungkook says softly.

Fast..very fast mr.jeon...did i cause it?? Tae asks chuckling.

Totally...& you should take responsibility for that...taking care of my heart is your responsibility...

Acknowledged sir...i am gonna take good care of it...tae replies squeezing in between jungkook's arms...he touches jungkook's bandage softly....

Does it hurt a lot? He asks. healed...jungkook smiles brightly...

Tae chuckles hearing that....that was smooth sensei...jungkook smiles in reply.

So " Future doctor " Studying well??jungkook asks.

Pretty much know i always study well & end every task before's just...i miss you at school...tae says softly...

Ahh! Miss it was more fun than meeting those old fake people....jungkook says in irritation...

They irritate you a lot? Tae asks.

Lot will be 'less' to describe it...real job will be starting in few days...after we crack the's gonna be few busy days...have to complete it earlier than they expected..can't lose dad's face...he has a great hope in me....jungkook exclaims..

Me also...& i trust can do it...tae replies....

I trust in you have to be a doctor...a great doctor....i don't wanna go to another doctor if i fall sick...i wanna come to my personal doctor...jungkook says caressing tae's cheek...

I will work hard...tae replies...besides i won't like that someone else will be touching my boyfriend...

Possessive much...huh? Jungkook chuckles.

A lot...

Besides we are not gonna be boyfriend for that long  sighs.

Tae looks at him jolting..

Huh?? Are you gonna break up with me at that time??

Jungkook looks at tae.

No silly! You are gonna be my finance....or 'husband' that time if all hyungs permit...i can't even think of staying away from you..break up?? Duh..

You scare me you moron! Tae says hitting on jungkook's arm....

Umm Sorry..jungkook accepts are gonna stay besides me..right?

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