chapter 119

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Jin keeps looking at the person who was kneeling down...jin was frowning while looking at him,crossing his arms....& that person was looking down...

Jin sighs...

Sit up in the chair...what's with this kneeling down? He says scoffing.

I am not sitting there unless i apologize properly,hyung..jungkook says looking down.

They were currently sitting in jin's resting room...he didn't want any conversation to happen in front of his other customers...& this conversation need to be placed in a quiet

I said sit up..let's talk face to face..that's a very uncomfortable position to talk...

Jungkook nods..then stands up in front of jin..still looking down...

What were you saying?? Please continue...

Jin says leaning on his chair crossing his hands...

Jungkook takes a deep breath...

I will start from the very first hyung..that day..i was in a really bad mood. Yours..i mean 'my car' bumped into yours...i should have focused on the road..this wouldn't have happened was all my fault..jungkook says politely...

Yeah?? But i think i should wasn't your fault at was my fault. I was thinking to recheck my driving licence..jin says putting his face on his knuckles.

What?? No hyung...jungkook says shaking his was totally my fault..i should have gone to the driving school again & learn driving. I should have rechecked my licence.i was really the wrong one. You honked. You signaled.i didn't notice.

Really?jin tilts his head smiling. So thoughtful of you..

Jungkook finds that encouraging. He continues what he was talking about..

Yeah hyung.i am a really stupid u know..i should have apologized to you long before.. Like in the airport..i should have apologized to you there...jungkook says shaking his head..

Airport?? Jin asks.

Ah..yeah..but let's forget that...the main thing is i am a stupid moron. How could i do that to tae's brother. I should have been thoughtful. I wasn't thinking at all. Now when i am looking at are not ugly at all are handsome! Like really really handsome..jungkook says praising.

You think so?? Jin asks tilting his head.

Yeah. Definitely..your smile is so beautiful hyung. You don't look like aged at all. At least not grumpy uncle at are a real sweet person. Tae got his smile from you..that explains why your restaurant is so crowded all the time. It's most famous in korea.right?? Just because of you hyung. You are the sweetest person in this of this world too...jungkook says in a flattering tone..

Really...thatz so sweet of you...jin replies.

Yeah are the best..that incident happened in the bakery shop..i should have give that cake to you on the first place..see...we both were thinking about niana..but so stupid of me..i made fun of you. Even mock you telling to buy something else,i am gonna pay..aish...i am so slow witted..why didn't i ask tae to show your picture first...i would know this beautiful handsome person is my tae's brother!!!

You are such a sweet talker. Jin says smiling.

I meant every words hyung! You are the star of kim doubt everyone got your charm in your family..tae..yoongi hyung...all...why didn't i notice it are a really beautiful person..i might have gone blind that did i call you ugly..people will get in queue just to see you. I think people crowd in this restaurant,that another reason of that..

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