chapter 175

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Jimin says looking at jin, who just stepped down from the car...

Yeah? Jin replies...

don't you think i am over dressed??

Jimin says shyly looking around, then looking directly at jin.

No?? Why are you saying that? Jin frowns.

Everyones looking at me.... Jimin says in embarrassment...

That's because my Minnie is looking so handsome... A prince looks good in anything he wears... & you are kims prince.... So you are looking stunning....

Jin smiles...

I look always good in your eyes hyung... Jimin says smiling.

I agree with hyung too... Younghoon replies softly...

I think we agree in that.... Hobi says stepping out with Namjoon.... After parking the car...

Yeah... So don't be embarrassed... My Minnie is so beautiful that they can't take their eyes off you...

Jin says rearranging jimin's tie... Jimin smiles looking at him softly...

That's the oldest kim!!! That's the oldest kim!!!

A girl standing a little far says to the girls group she was standing with.

Ssshhhh! Another girl covers her mouth with her hands...

Don't say that...

Wat hwpnd ( what happened) the girl whose mouth was covered, says struggling.

Lower your voice, if he hears you calling him old, he will kill you.... That girl whispers to the previous girl.

Oh... Sorry... I didn't mean it like " old old"... I meant that eldest son.... That girl replies immediately...

Ah! Now there's president kim..... Another girl says in a aww tone...

Do you think he will give us his number if we ask?? One whispers.

Don't even think about it... The previous one replies.....

Seokjin oppa will make you blind even if you just look at president kim for more than ten seconds....

Agh! Seokjin oppa is scary... & handsome... & hot... Agh!!!!! I can't decide how is he... He is a mixture of those all....

One says whining....

& there's my crush.... One girl says gulping....

Hobi oppa..... She sighs....

I don't know how many times i been dreaming of him becoming my boyfriend.....

Girl... What the fucking fuck dream you are having... Come back to earth.... One girl replies.

Why can't he be my boyfriend??? That girl whines... Is it too much to ask?? He usually comes to the university, right??? How many times i thought to go to him... & ask for his number....

He comes to university to pick up younghoon oppa...Not for you...

Younghoon oppa is his brother, right... He will surely come to pick him up... But brothers not gonna always be with him, right? He needs a person to love too... & there's jimin oppa.... Why everyone god damned handsome have to belong from kims family.... The girl sighs.

Girl, Minnie oppa is way too out of your league... Remember yoongi oppa came to university... Beat the shit out of doyum sunbae... & warned all not to bother Minnie oppa... That was scary... & hot too..... There was created a " kim min yoongi fanclub " after that incident by his fan girls...

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