chapter 110

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Mrs.jeon walks towards jungkook & tae...

Isn't that kim taehyung?? Kim's youngest heir?? Everyone starts gossiping looking at tae...

Gramma...niana runs towards mrs.jeon...

Mrs.jeon leans & caries niana in her lap...

Grandma missed you baby...she says while kissing on niana's cheek..

I miss you too..grandma..i am going to school!!!!!!!! Niana says excitedly...

You are?? Thatz great baby....i have to buy you a beautiful princess bag then...

Papa said we will go on shopping...niana replies..

Then it's niana,papa & gramma's "shopping date" Then...

Why am i missing in that date again? Jungkook says walking towards his mom...

Because you are late today...she hugs jungkook & kisses on his cheek...

It's because your son in law took too much time to get ready..jungkook smiles...'s all my fault now...who was the one driving slowly then..tae walks closer to mrs.jeon & warps his hands around her...

You are looking beautiful mom...tae says smiling...

Not more than my tae...mrs.jeon says softly kissing on tae's forehead....then looks at jungkook...if he took your time,then it's worth it...

I wasn't complaining though...after seeing how breathtaking he is looking...jungkook laughs...

I know right?? Mrs.jeon joins jungkook...tae's cheek redden up blushing... most important thing...wish that jealous human being standing there..she points at mr.jeon..who was trying to hard to avoid their eyes like he didn't see them..but caught in the lie...

He has been checking on time waiting for you guys...mostly for tae i guess..she says the last part whispering to them...

Why everyone in this family is in love with my boyfriend..are you guys thinking of taking him away! Jungkook gives mrs.jeon a suspicious look...

Yeah...i don't know about others..but i will definitely do that & keep him to myself..mrs.jeon says embracing tae again..

Nahhh...he is not gonna let that happen....jungkook says confidently...

Who said so?? Tae says warping his hands around mrs.jeon too...

Traitor....jungkook fakes heart ache...

Then looks at mr.jeon..

Dad....he says walking towards him...& embrace him tightly....

"Happy birthday dad"...jungkook says warmly....

Mr.jeon smiles brightly....thank you kookie...ahh!!! I missed this feeling for all this years....

Sorry that i couldn't understand you's all my fault...let me mend for all those years...saying this jungkook embrace him more tightly...

Aish!! This bone will crack down..i am not that young says laughing...

Who said so?? You are still young...jungkook says smiling...

Grandpa....happy birthday!!!! Niana jumps on mr.jeon suddenly...

& mr.jeon was careful enough to catch her in mean time...

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