chapter 81

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Is it okay if i love you??
Baek asks chanyeol scaredly clenching on his shirt...he was trembling a little...

Chanyeol slides his hand on baek's waist & pulls him closer...

Yeah baek's more than okay..if you love me..i will be so happy...chanyeol says looking at baek...

B..but...but i am scared i are joking,right??.i..i am not worthy of one will ever like me beside you..look at me..i am nothing...i don't have anything in compare with family..we are not are handsome & i am an one ever wants be even friends with me..but you are so popular..people admires you..when they don't even count me as a person...i am not good in anything..i am not even brave enough to stand beside can i dare to love you hyung...i..i thought..we will end everything have someone you love....someone who..who deserves you..if you love People will humiliate you..i..i am scared hyung...can i really love you?? W..what will happen in the future??i am not even confident to think of my future with you,i can't even dream of that..i am not confident in myself...i am not worthy of you..i~

Baek ssi....chanyeol says holding baek's face firmly....

Breathe...look at me...just look at me...just forget what will happen in the future for sometimes..right now..just look at me & think about me..i am the one standing in front of you right now..i am the one who love you..i know you are are nervous..i am nervous too..but i am not nervous about what people will think about us..i am nervous thinking what will i do without you if you don't want to be with me.i am nervous to think what will i do if i can't see you anymore. I don't want to know what will happen in the future..but if you are in my future..nothing can go baek one will like you beside me?? I like you beside me..only you...does that count??you can't imagine how thankful i am to god that he let me meet said you are not rich?? Who told you that?? You are rich here....

Chanyeol puts his hand on baek's left are rich in your heart...that's all matters for called you oddball?? Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?? I have never seen a beautiful person like you are beautiful from inside & from are nothing?? You are everything for me baek ssi..if no one wants to be friend with you,i can be your only friend & stay with you..give me that chance baek ssi..i know it's scary out there..but if you are with me..i can face them all...i will never let go of your hand baek...i am not lying..i am not joking..i am saying all these in my right mind..i want you..i need you in my life...can't you feel it?? Stay beside me baek ssi..together,we can't pass all the odds in our life..but if you are not in my life,i will be left with nothing...believe me baek ssi..i love you...i may have many flaws..but there's no flaw in my love...please me back...i need your love...

Chanyeol says pleading...

Suddenly baek embrace chanyeol firmly....

D..don't leave't let me go..ever...

I won' too..don't leave matter what happens...stand beside me..we can do it baek....okay??

Chanyeol puts his hand on baek's head....

Baek nods crying...

T..then will you..will you be my boyfriend??

Chanyeol says holding baek's face again...

Baek looks at him for some moments...then looks other side,blushing...


Hey...look at me....

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