chapter 11

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Wanna go on a date with me today??

Lisa widen her eyes....can i??? Omg yes yes yes...she jumps smiling.....baekhyun was just standing there looking at them confusedly....

Kim taehyung

Lisa & baek looks at jungkook who was standing outside of the basketball ground...only tae didn't look at him..he was looking down....


Jungkook calls again....this time baek steps ahead...

Tae...sensei is calling you...

Tae was forced to look at jungkook now....he turns over & looks directly at jungkook...

Yes sensei...tae replies coldly...

Can you come with me for a minute??? I have some important things to do & i need your help with that...

Sensei...can i help you too??? Lisa asks jungkook all of a sudden...& that was in a very seductive way...

I didn't ask for your help...right?? Jungkook smiles..but their was a cold attitude hidden in that smile..tae was also aware of what she was trying to do..he has already seen many like he just ignores..& he was actually pissed of it doesn't matter what others are doing.....

Take her sensei...i don't think i will be able to go with you now...tae says looking other side...baek ssi...let's go....tae was intend to leave...but suddenly a strong hold stop him of doing that....tae looks behind...

I told you..i really need your help right come with me....jungkook drags him out of that place...only baek & lisa were standing there all confused...

Let me go!!

Tae says struggling when jungkook was dragging him...jungkook doesn't look at him or pay attention what he was saying...

I said let my hand go!!!! Are you dumb or something sensei???

Jungkook drags tae to his room...then closed the door & locks it...

Tae gets scared seeing jungkook locking the door...

W-what are you doing?? Why are you locking the door??? He says stepping back...

Why?? Scared now?? Jungkook looks at tae...& smirks...

I am not are scared...your whole family is scared...tae says stepping back again......

Jungkook comes closer to tae...he takes a step closer & tae takes a step back...

Don't come closer...i will scream...tae says scaredly...

Jungkook comes towards him & stands as close as tae can feel his breathing....

Scream....i wanna see how loud you can scream....jungkook says looking into tae's eyes...then he leans towards tae...

Tae thinks he was again trying to kiss him like before...his body trembles in fear....

D-don't touch me....i..i will kill you sensei...don't fucking touch me...tae says closing his eyes...

Kill me...i will like to see how you do that...jungkook replies...

Don't!!!! Tae shouts...

Time passes by...nothing happened...

But suddenly he jolts when jungkook doesn't kiss him but holds his hand.....tae slowly opens his eyes...he looks at jungkook...jungkook was looking at his bandaged hand....

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