chapter 46

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Mam...we will be going now....tae says bowing down....

Already!!! Jungkook's mom says pouting...i was thinking talking to you more....i guess i can't help that's getting late now...jungkook,baby...please go & drop them at their house...

Noooo...we can go on our own mam...sensei doesn't have to drop us...we live nearby...besides we have something to do about our drama rehearsal....tae says awkwardly..

Drama!!!!! What drama???

Romeo & Juliet...baek replies smiling...

Really !!! Jungkook's mom claps excitedly...i am definitely going to attend the day it will be staged..

What role are you playing dear????mrs.jeon says looking at tae...

Tae was sweating..he kinda escape from that place right now...

Jungkook tries hard to control his laughter..if tae saw him laughing,tae will surely kill him...baek was controlling himself too...

Ju...ju...tae stammers...

Mrs.jeon was looking at hin curiously...


Mrs.jeon keeps looking at tae for sometimes without saying anything...then he walks towards tae & cups his face with her both hands...tae widen his eyes...

You are gonna be a beautiful Juliet then are so beautiful...i am sure you will play any roll you are given with all your heart..& beautifully...i have confident in go & rock the stage...she says with motherly affection...

Thatz the first time tae feels playing Juliet is not that bad..He smiles brightly..then holds mrs.jeon's hands with his own hands...

Please come mam...we will be very happy if you come that day...

I will definitely come..i can't miss your performance...mrs.jeon smiles back...

Then...we will be leaving now...tae & baek bows before mrs.jeon & jungkook...jungkook smiling looking at tae...tae blushes & takes his eyes off to jungkook...then he & baek walks outside....

Shall we walk for some moments?? I ate a lot today...tae says holding his stomach...

Yeah..baek nods....

Then those two starts walking...


Hmm??? Tae hums...

Can i ask you something ??

Why are you asking for permission?? Ask baek ssi..tae says smiling...

Sensei likes you...right???

Tae halts looking at baek...

W..what are you saying...

Can we sit there?? Baek points at a bench near by...

Tae nods awkwardly..then follows him...

They both sits there...their remains awkward silence for sometimes...

You don't have to feel awkward...right?? I told you before...i consider you as my you can tell me...baek says smiling..

Tae keeps looking down fidgeting his fingers....'s not's me....i like sensei....

Baek looks at tae...there was something sad in his voice that baek feels upset inside...

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