Stay With Me P.179 (Renil)💖

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the quiet streets of Seoul. It was a crisp autumn day in 2023, and the city was painted in hues of red and gold. But for Renjun, one of the members of NCT, the beauty of the season had lost its luster. His thoughts were consumed by worry as he sat by the window, watching the leaves rustle in the gentle breeze.

Renjun and Taeil had been together for a year now, and their relationship had been nothing short of extraordinary. They were a perfect match in every sense. Renjun, with his mischievous grin and quick wit, had a penchant for teasing Taeil, the older and more reserved of the two. Taeil, in turn, knew just how to push Renjun's buttons, often responding with a flirtatious charm that sent shivers down his lover's spine. Their love was like a dance, a rhythmic exchange of words and touches, a gentle tango of emotions that kept their hearts in perfect sync. But all that was about to change, and Renjun couldn't help but feel the weight of the impending storm.

Just a week ago, Taeil had been involved in a motorcycle accident. It had been a sunny afternoon, the kind that lures riders onto the winding roads outside the city. Taeil, always adventurous, had taken his beloved motorcycle out for a spin. But the universe can be a cruel mistress, and in a cruel twist of fate, a careless driver had collided with him. The result was a painful injury to Taeil's upper leg, and the trauma of the accident had left scars not just on his body but on his spirit as well.

Renjun had received the call at the most unexpected moment. He was in the midst of rehearsing with the rest of NCT when his phone had rung, shattering the peaceful melody of their day. The voice on the other end had been shaky, and it belonged to Taeil's best friend, Johnny. The words he spoke had cut through Renjun's heart like a knife.

"Taeil's been in an accident. You need to come to the hospital."


But now, a week later, Taeil was finally being discharged. Renjun had taken a week off from his hectic schedule to be by Taeil's side. He had been there every day, offering comfort, laughter, and unwavering support. And as he sat by the window, watching the approaching car, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – relief, happiness, and a hint of sadness. The car pulled up, and Taeil, with the help of crutches, gingerly made his way to the front door. Renjun rushed to open it, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't wait to see his love again, but he was also acutely aware of the changes that had occurred in just one short week.

Taeil's face lit up when he saw Renjun waiting for him. Despite the pain and exhaustion, he managed a weak smile. "Hey, you," he greeted, his voice raspy from disuse.

Renjun's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he helped Taeil into the house. "Hey, yourself," he replied, his voice choked with emotion. He couldn't stop himself from wrapping his arms around Taeil and holding him close. It was a gentle, careful embrace, mindful of Taeil's injury, but it spoke volumes of the love and relief that surged through Renjun.

Taeil rested his head against Renjun's shoulder, savoring the warmth and comfort of his boyfriend's presence. "I missed you," he admitted, his voice quivering.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now