Stay With Me P.62 (2Tae)💖

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The night sky was a tapestry of stars, each one a shimmering testament to the passage of time. The city lights below painted the landscape in hues of amber and indigo, casting an ethereal glow over the world. Taeyong stood on the rooftop, his gaze fixed on the heavens, lost in thoughts that swirled like the constellations above. The cool breeze tugged at his hair, a gentle reminder of the world outside the chaos that was NCT.

He sighed, the weight of his responsibilities pressing heavily upon his shoulders. As the leader of NCT, he bore the burden of their success and their struggles. It was a role he had willingly taken on, a choice driven by his unwavering dedication to the group. But beneath the strong facade he presented to the world, there was a vulnerability that he often kept hidden. A vulnerability that he only dared to share with one person.


Taeil had been there from the beginning, a constant presence in his life since the inception of NCT. The older boy, quiet and introspective, had a way of understanding Taeyong like no one else did. They were kindred spirits, bound by their shared struggles and their determination to overcome them. Even being the oldest of them all, Taeyong would almost argue that Taeil held the second most of the stress of this entire group. 

"Lost in the stars again?" Taeil's voice, soft and warm, cut through the night. He stepped onto the rooftop, his presence a soothing balm to Taeyong's weary soul.

Taeyong turned to him, offering a small smile. "Yeah, just needed a moment to clear my head."

Taeil leaned against the railing, his gaze thoughtful. "It's a lot to carry, isn't it? Being the leader."

Taeyong nodded, his shoulders sagging. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing enough. If I'm leading them in the right direction."

Taeil's eyes were kind as he looked at Taeyong. "You're doing more than enough, Taeyong. You're guiding us through uncharted territory. It's okay to doubt yourself sometimes, but remember that we believe in you."

Taeyong's heart swelled with gratitude. Taeil always had a way of grounding him, of reminding him that he wasn't alone in his struggles. They fell into a comfortable silence, the city's hum below serving as a backdrop to their shared thoughts. Taeil always had a way of being able to tell exactly what he needed without having to say another word to Taeyong. It's something that Taeyong has always been grateful for. 

"You know," Taeil began after a while, his voice playful, "I've been thinking."

Taeyong raised an eyebrow, curious. "About what?"

Taeil's lips quirked into a mischievous smile. "About how lucky I am to have you as a leader. And as a friend."

Taeyong felt a warmth spread through his chest, an emotion he couldn't quite put into words. "I should be the one saying that to you. You've always been there for me, Taeil."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now