Stay With Me P.71 (Kunil)💖

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The moon hung low in the ink-black sky, casting a gentle silver glow over the city that never slept. Among the labyrinthine streets and towering skyscrapers, a secret world thrived, concealed from the bustling chaos of everyday life. Within this hidden realm, a bond blossomed quietly, two souls intertwined by unspoken understanding and shared experience. Taeil and Kun, the eldest in their units, navigated their own unique journey through the maze of emotions that life had presented them.

Taeil's fingers danced lightly across the keyboard as he typed out a message on his laptop. The soft blue light of the screen illuminated his features, casting a warm glow on his face. He pressed the enter key, and the message was sent across the digital void, traversing thousands of miles in an instant. He leaned back in his chair, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. In a world where time zones and busy schedules ruled, communication had taken on a different form. Texts, messages, and occasional video calls were their lifelines, connecting them even when their physical presence couldn't.

Kun's reply appeared on the screen, each word a tiny bridge that closed the gap between them. As they exchanged anecdotes and shared laughter through the digital realm, Taeil's mind drifted to the first time they had met. It had been during a time of uncertainty, as their paths converged within the labyrinthine corridors of the entertainment industry.

"Hey, Taeil," Kun's message read, "Remember that time we got lost in the maze-like backstage of that awards show?"

Taeil chuckled softly, his mind painting vivid images of that chaotic night. He remembered the bewildered expressions they had exchanged, the way their laughter had echoed through the dimly lit hallways as they searched for their dressing rooms. It was a memory that had carved a niche in his heart, a shared experience that bound them together like an invisible thread.

"Yeah," Taeil replied, his fingers tapping the keys with a gentle rhythm, "I thought we'd never find our way out."

The words flowed effortlessly between them, a testament to the comfort they found in each other's virtual presence. And yet, beneath the playful banter and shared stories, there was an unspoken layer of something more. Taeil's heart raced every time he saw a message from Kun appear on his screen. He cherished these moments, these stolen fragments of time where they could be themselves, free from the constraints of their demanding schedules.


As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Taeil's feelings deepened. He found himself stealing glances at Kun's photos, his heart fluttering at the sight of that familiar smile. But he hesitated, trapped in the realm of uncertainty. What if he misread the signals? What if their bond was nothing more than friendship? The fear of ruining what they had held him back, a silent struggle that he kept hidden from the world.

Kun, too, grappled with his own internal turmoil. He cherished the late-night conversations and the stolen moments of connection, each interaction with Taeil a cherished treasure. But as time went on, his heart began to ache with a longing that he couldn't ignore. The laughter they shared was a balm for his soul, yet it also stoked the flames of desire. He yearned to bridge the physical distance between them, to hold Taeil close and whisper all the words he had kept locked within.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now