Stay with me p.4 (Johnil)💖

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It was sunny, a perfect day. Well for the young couple it has always been perfect. Except far from it:

They couldn't show skinship in front of people

They couldn't kiss outside of the dorm

They could barely look at each other outside of the dorm/walls.

Sighing Taeil was tired of this, he didn't want to do this anymore. The pain in his heart string as he watched Johnny smile away with Ten, whom he knows Ten had a crush on. But he didn't say anything, he never did.

As he loved Johnny that much

Going back to their shared room, he just layed down. Tears started to patter down his cheeks. Softly, warmly, and more than anything hurtfully.


Johnny was too busy laughing with Ten to notice Taeil. He loved to play around with the members, of course when he could. He'd rough house with the Jaereno kids; he'd tease the Taeten two.

He loved all twenty of the members, it may be a big group of people. However, nothing seemed more right. Smiling he saw Chensung walk in.

"Hey Johnny" Ten says, stopping him from playing with Renjun.

With a slight hum he gives his attention to Ten.

"Thank you" the other beams. Because of him; he realized who he really liked. And as much as he wished it was Johnny; he was even more happy it was Taeyong.

And that was how the afternoon went for them. With no practice, everyone played around smiling. Not knowing the upset Taeil.


That night when Johnny finally came into their room for bed, Taeil pretending to be asleep. Even after Johnny kissed him softly on the lips, and even when he felt the youngers strong arms wrapped around him. He knew this is where he belongs.

Not in anyone else's arms.

And Johnny for damn certain, wasn't going to have anyone else in his arms.

And Taeil was going to make sure of that. Because that was how much his love ran for the other. And with a smile, it never erased itself from Taeil's face as he fell asleep that night.


The next morning Taeil woke up alone in the bed. A thing that sometimes wasn't uncommon to happen. However, Taeil accepted it he understood how Johnny felt about sitting around.. he hates it.

So getting out of bed and heading to the kitchen is when he finds Johnny. The younger playing with Jisung and Chenle. A smile overtook Taeil's face, he wished he could give Johnny kids like he knows Johnny one day wants.

"Morning love" Johnny walks over to the other kissing his nose.

"Good morning" Taeil smiles. He feels the others arms wrap around his waist.

"Disgusting" Jisung's nose crunches up, however he still loves the two.

Sticking his tongue out, Taeil has never acted like the oldest hyung. But somehow, that is what made Johnny love him.

Smiling, this is what makes Johnny love the older more and more. And with that, he could never live without him it is just that much he means to him.

Kissing is temple with a small 'love you.' He just wished he could show his love to the other more.


And that was what made Johnny want to plan out a day for his love. A day of memories, love, and just more love. He understands how deep his feelings are for the other.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now