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The early morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a soft, golden glow in the room. Taeil stirred, his eyelids fluttering open. He couldn't help but smile as he looked down at the two men nestled beside him. Sicheng's ebony hair spilled like a silken waterfall across the pillows, and Yuta's chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Taeil's fingers itched to touch, so he reached out, his gentle touch brushing through Sicheng's hair, ruffling it slightly. The younger man stirred, his eyelashes casting delicate shadows on his cheeks. Taeil leaned down, placing a tender kiss on Sicheng's forehead.

A warm, contented sigh escaped from Sicheng's lips, and he slowly opened his eyes, revealing the glitter of happiness. Taeil couldn't resist the urge to lean in once more, and this time, his lips found Sicheng's. Their kiss was gentle, a silent promise of the love that bound them. As Taeil pulled away, he noticed Yuta shifting on the other side of Sicheng, his strong arms wrapped protectively around their shared lover. Yuta's tousled hair framed his peaceful face, and Taeil knew that Yuta was in a deep, restful sleep.

Taeil couldn't help but be moved by the sight of the two men who had captured his heart. He leaned over and placed a kiss on the side of Yuta's face, planting his love and affection there.

As he did, Yuta slowly stirred. His dark eyes flickered open, and for a moment, confusion danced in their depths. Then, he turned his head and found Taeil's eyes. The tension in Yuta's expression melted away, replaced by a warm and tender smile.

"Good morning," Taeil whispered, his voice a delicate melody.

"Morning," Yuta replied, his voice husky from sleep. He leaned in, and their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss.

Sicheng, now fully awake, watched the intimate exchange with a loving smile. He reached out and gently caressed Yuta's cheek, their eyes locking in a silent understanding.

The trio lay there, tangled together in a tangle of limbs and love, basking in the early morning light and the warmth of their affection.

Eventually, they decided to get out of bed. With sleepy smiles and mussed hair, they shuffled into the kitchen. Taeil, always the nurturing one, took charge of making breakfast for the three of them. The sizzle of eggs and the aroma of coffee filled the air, creating a cozy atmosphere that enveloped them. Yuta and Sicheng took their seats on either side of the table, and Taeil joined them. As they dug into their breakfast, their conversations flowed naturally, filled with laughter and affectionate teasing.

"Did you guys sleep well?" Taeil asked, his gaze shifting between Yuta and Sicheng.

Yuta, his mouth still partially full, managed a muffled, "Mmm, best sleep ever."

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