Stay With Me P. 44 (Markil)💖

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The morning sun painted the studio in warm hues as Taeil stood by the sidelines, watching NCT Dream prepare for their new comeback, "ISTJ." The air was electric with excitement, but for Taeil, there was an additional spark. He was dating Mark, one of the members of NCT Dream, and being there to support him made his heart race with joy.

Taeil observed Mark as he joined the other members in their synchronized dance routine for the title track, "Poison." The young men moved with precision and passion, their energy filling the room. Taeil couldn't help but feel pride and admiration swell within him as he witnessed Mark's talent and dedication. There was a sense of unity in the group, a bond that extended beyond just being colleagues. Mark's eyes met Taeil's from across the studio, and a shy smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The connection between them was palpable, and it fueled Mark's determination to give his best performance. Taeil's unwavering support acted as a source of strength, emboldening Mark to push through any nerves and doubts he might have had.

As the filming for "Poison" began, Taeil found himself unable to suppress his laughter. Seeing the members perform without the music felt surreal and almost comical. He could hear the shuffling of their feet, the exaggerated gestures, and yet, there was an undeniable charm to their uncoordinated movements.

Renjun, one of the members, caught sight of Taeil's amused expression and playfully stuck out his tongue, making the whole atmosphere even more light-hearted. Chenle, standing beside Renjun, broke into an impromptu dance that had everyone, including the staff, chuckling with delight.

As if sensing the infectious spirit of laughter, Donghyuck, known as Haechan, decided to take center stage in the love movie playing in his mind. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he started imitating scenes from romantic movies, throwing dramatic glances and striking poses that had everyone around him in stitches.

"Haechan, what are you doing?" Jeno asked, unable to contain his laughter.

"I'm just adding some romantic flair to the performance," Donghyuck replied, winking playfully at Jeno, who shook his head in amusement.

Donghyuck continued his antics, pretending to dramatically catch a flower that a non-existent admirer threw at him, and then sweeping an invisible partner into an imaginary dance. His exaggerated expressions and over-the-top gestures had everyone in fits of laughter, and it was becoming increasingly challenging for the other members to keep a straight face.

"Cut! Cut!" the director called out, laughing himself. "Okay, Haechan, that was fantastic, but let's try to focus a bit more on the choreography this time."

Donghyuck grinned and nodded, playing along with the request. However, as soon as the music started, he couldn't resist throwing in a few more comedic touches here and there, making everyone around him burst into laughter once again.

Even Mark, who was trying to maintain his composure as the main dancer, found himself struggling to concentrate. Donghyuck's antics were contagious, and the playful atmosphere they created became a welcomed intermission from the serious and demanding filming process. Amidst all the laughter, Taeil was delighted to see how much joy and camaraderie his presence brought to the set. He loved that he could be there to witness not just the hard work and dedication but also the playful and lighthearted moments that made NCT Dream the close-knit family they were.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now