Stay With Me P.182 (Chenil)💖

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In the bustling world of NCT Dream, where the chaos was as common as the air they breathed, Chenle and Taeil's relationship was like a serene island in the middle of a stormy sea. Chenle, the boisterous and carefree young man, never missed a chance to stir up trouble and laughter wherever he went. He was the kind of person who could turn even the most mundane moments into unforgettable memories. But beneath the wild exterior, Chenle harbored a profound sense of self-awareness and thoughtfulness. Taeil, on the other hand, was the calm in Chenle's storm, always content to sit back and watch the whirlwind of NCT Dream unfold, as long as he had Chenle by his side.

One sunny afternoon, the members of NCT Dream were gathered in their practice room, preparing for their upcoming performance. It was one of those rare moments when everything seemed to be in perfect harmony, as they practiced their choreography with precision and dedication. Chenle, of course, couldn't resist the opportunity to add his own unique flair to the mix. As the others executed their moves flawlessly, he twirled and somersaulted with exaggerated enthusiasm, his laughter ringing through the room. Taeil, sitting on a nearby bench, watched with a mixture of exasperation and affection. He had seen this side of Chenle countless times, and while it could be chaotic and unpredictable, it was also undeniably endearing. Chenle's joyful energy was infectious, and Taeil couldn't help but smile as he witnessed his boyfriend's antics.

"Chenle, you're going to give the choreographer a heart attack with those acrobatics," Taeil teased, his voice carrying a playful edge.

Chenle, mid-cartwheel, flashed a mischievous grin in Taeil's direction. "But isn't that what makes it more fun, babe? Life is too short to be serious all the time."

Taeil shook his head, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. "You certainly have a point there."

As the day wore on, the practice continued, and Chenle's enthusiasm showed no signs of waning. He danced with a fervor that was both admirable and comical. Taeil marveled at the way his boyfriend could inject so much life into everything he did, no matter how trivial or serious the task. Amid the chaos, Taeil's mind wandered, reflecting on their relationship. He had never been one to seek out the spotlight or make a spectacle of himself like Chenle. In fact, he often found comfort in the shadows, in the quiet moments where he could simply observe and appreciate the world around him. But Chenle had a way of pulling him out of his shell, of coaxing him into the light and making him realize that there was beauty in both the chaos and the stillness.

Taeil knew that he was lucky to have someone like Chenle in his life. Chenle's extroverted nature balanced Taeil's introversion perfectly. They were like two pieces of a puzzle that, when put together, created a beautiful and harmonious picture. Taeil appreciated the way Chenle encouraged him to step outside of his comfort zone, to embrace the spontaneity of life, and to find joy in the unexpected. The practice session eventually came to an end, and the members of NCT Dream dispersed, each going their separate ways. Taeil and Chenle walked out of the practice room hand in hand, their fingers intertwined like an unbreakable bond.

"Are you sure you're not exhausted from all that jumping around?" Taeil asked, concern lacing his words.

Chenle shrugged, a carefree grin on his face. "Nah, I have an endless supply of energy when you're around."

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