Stay With Me P.183 (Sungil)💖

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In the bustling world of K-pop, NCT stood out as one of the most innovative and eclectic groups, with its ever-expanding roster of members. The group's diversity and their ability to create music that transcended language barriers had endeared them to fans around the world. Each member brought their unique flavor to the mix, and the group was known for their camaraderie both on and off the stage. However, every family has its quirks, and in NCT, the adorable relationship between Jisung and Taeil was one of them.

Jisung, the youngest member of NCT, had always been known for his shyness. He was a gentle soul, with a heart of gold and a penchant for blushes and stammers in social situations. Despite his youthful appearance, he had a deep sense of responsibility and often felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. On the other hand, Taeil, the eldest member, was an epitome of calm and poise. His serene presence was like a soothing balm for the sometimes chaotic life of an idol. When NCT had to come together for group events or meetings, Jisung's usual shyness would escalate to new heights. He would become almost painfully reserved, often fidgeting and looking down, as if trying to blend into the background. The other members, however, found this incredibly endearing, and they couldn't resist the urge to tease the young idol.

"Look at Jisungie, guys," Haechan would say with a mischievous grin as they gathered for a meeting. "He's like a cute little turtle, hiding in his shell."

The members would chuckle, and Mark would add, "Come on, Jisung, don't be shy! You're a superstar."

Jisung would only manage a timid smile, a faint pink flush on his cheeks. He knew they meant well, but it was hard to shake off his shyness, especially in the company of his energetic and boisterous bandmates. But then, there was a transformation waiting to happen. As soon as Taeil walked into the room, Jisung would light up like a Christmas tree. It was as if the mere presence of his boyfriend had the magical ability to chase away his shyness. His eyes would sparkle, and a radiant smile would grace his lips.

"Hey, Taeil-hyung!" Jisung would call out, his voice suddenly more confident. He'd bound over to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around him in an affectionate hug, earning a chorus of wolf whistles and playful jeers from the other members.

"Look at that, Taeil is Jisung's social elixir," Johnny would joke.

Taeil would chuckle and ruffle Jisung's hair, the affection between them palpable. "You bring out the best in me too, Jisungie."

The members would continue to tease the couple, much to the embarrassment of the two lovebirds. But they didn't mind. Jisung found solace and strength in Taeil's presence, and that was something to be celebrated, not ridiculed. The dynamics of NCT were a fascinating blend of brotherhood and friendship, and it was moments like these that brought out the warmth and affection that bound them together. Even though they had different personalities, they respected and cherished each other for who they were.


One day, NCT had a rare free evening, and they decided to have a get-together at their dorm. It was a casual affair, with food, drinks, and laughter. Jisung, though initially hesitant, was enjoying himself. The presence of the members he'd grown close to over the years gave him a sense of comfort. As he nibbled on some snacks and listened to Ten and Yuta's animated conversation, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Taeil standing there, a warm smile on his face.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now