Stay With Me P.56 (Jaeil)💖

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The practice room was illuminated by the soft glow of overhead lights, casting elongated shadows across the mirrored walls. The rhythmic sound of sneakers on the polished floor echoed through the space as NCT members worked diligently on perfecting their choreography. Among them stood Taeil, an unassuming figure with a keen eye that missed nothing.

Taeil had always been the quiet observer, the one who watched over his members like a guardian angel, ready to offer support or advice whenever needed. He had seen them transform from hopeful trainees into confident idols, weathering storms and celebrating victories together. And through it all, he had watched Jaehyun grow from a boyish trainee into a charismatic young man, always standing by the side of his close friends Mark and Johnny.

In those early days, Taeil had seen the camaraderie that the three shared, their bond strong and unbreakable. Jaehyun's laughter would ring out as he and Mark exchanged playful banter, and Taeil would find himself smiling at the ease with which Johnny fit into their dynamic. He felt a sense of contentment, witnessing the happiness that bloomed between them.


But as time passed and the group moved into the Super Hero era, Taeil began to notice a shift. Mark and Johnny's friendship seemed to deepen even further, their connection becoming almost inseparable. Taeil saw the way they laughed at each other's jokes, the secret glances that passed between them. And he also saw the shadow that flickered across Jaehyun's eyes, a hint of something more complex than mere camaraderie. Taeil was perceptive, attuned to the subtle shifts in his members' emotions. He noticed the way Jaehyun's gaze lingered on Johnny when he thought no one was looking, the subtle tenseness in his shoulders when Mark and Johnny shared a moment. It was a struggle that Taeil recognized all too well—the pain of unrequited feelings, the weight of unspoken desires.

As Super Hero promotions continued, Taeil couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Jaehyun. He saw the way the younger boy withdrew, the smile that didn't quite reach his eyes anymore. Taeil wished he could offer a solution, a way to ease Jaehyun's heartache, but he knew that some struggles were personal battles that had to be fought alone. In the midst of this shifting dynamic, Taeil found himself spending more time with Jaehyun. They would sit together during breaks, sharing quiet conversations about life, dreams, and everything in between. Taeil hoped that by being there for Jaehyun, he could offer some solace, a small reprieve from the storm of emotions that raged within him.

One evening, as the members trickled out of the practice room, Taeil lingered behind, a worried frown etched onto his features as he watched Jaehyun's retreating figure. Taeil had sensed the turmoil within Jaehyun, the unspoken struggles that he bore. He knew that it was time to step in, to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

"Jaehyun," Taeil called out softly, catching up to him just outside the practice room. "Can we talk?"

Jaehyun turned to Taeil, his expression a mixture of surprise and uncertainty. "Sure, hyung. What's up?"

Taeil offered a reassuring smile. "I've noticed that you've been distant lately, especially when it comes to the members. And I can't help but feel that something's bothering you."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now