Stay With Me P.180 (Noil)💖

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The backstage of the massive concert venue was abuzz with activity. It was that time of year again, the annual NCT unit performance where all the members from various subunits would come together to showcase their talents and synergy. It was a celebration of their unity, but it was also a bittersweet occasion. The closer they all grew as a collective, the more individual relationships were tested and changed. Among them, one friendship that had been rock solid since the beginning of NCT was undergoing a transformation that neither of the two involved had expected.

Jeno, the young and charismatic member of NCT Dream, and Taeil, the powerful vocalist of NCT 127, had been inseparable since the inception of NCT. They were like brothers, the kind of bond that couldn't be broken by distance or time. But as their respective subunits took them in different directions, it became increasingly difficult to find moments to spend with each other. Taeil sighed as he watched Jeno, surrounded by his energetic Dream members, practicing their routine for the upcoming performance. They were full of life, and Jeno seemed to be thriving in that environment. On the other hand, Taeil's 127 unit was busy preparing for their own set, a mix of excitement and anxiety in the air. He missed the days when he and Jeno would goof around, sharing stories and dreams like the best of friends. It was as if life had pulled them apart, and Taeil couldn't help but feel a sense of longing.

While Jeno and Taeil struggled with their growing distance, someone else was gradually finding his way into Jeno's life – Doyoung. Doyoung was a member of NCT 127, like Taeil, and he had always been a mature and reliable presence within the group. To him, Jeno was like a younger brother. He found Jeno's youthful enthusiasm endearing, and it was hard for him to resist the urge to look out for him.

One day, as NCT 127 and NCT Dream were rehearsing on adjacent stages, Doyoung approached Jeno during a break. "Hey, Jeno, how's everything going with your performance?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

Jeno flashed a bright smile at Doyoung, his eyes crinkling with joy. "It's been amazing, hyung! The members are working hard, and I'm doing my best to keep up."

Doyoung chuckled, ruffling Jeno's hair in a fatherly manner. "You're doing great, Jeno. You're like the little brother I never had."

Those words resonated deeply with Jeno. He had always looked up to Doyoung as a mentor and a role model, but hearing him say those words made him feel a warmth he hadn't expected. "Thank you, hyung. You mean a lot to me."

Their bond continued to grow stronger as they spent more time together, and it wasn't long before Jeno found himself confiding in Doyoung about his worries and insecurities. Doyoung listened patiently, offering advice and support, much like an older brother would. Jeno had never felt so connected to someone outside of his own subunit, and he cherished the relationship that was blossoming with Doyoung.

Meanwhile, Taeil was grappling with his own set of emotions. He couldn't help but notice the budding friendship between Jeno and Doyoung, and a pang of jealousy gnawed at him. It wasn't that he wanted to keep Jeno all to himself, but he missed the close bond they used to share. He missed the days when they would sing together, laugh together, and share their innermost thoughts. Taeil's feelings continued to fester, and one evening, he found himself seeking solace in the company of Taeyong, NCT's charismatic leader. Taeyong was perceptive, and he had sensed Taeil's inner turmoil for a while. He had a deep understanding of the dynamics within the group, and he was someone Taeil trusted implicitly.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now